Hello friendz,
loved to play with arduino last 2 months..
I was planning to get an cheaper reprogrammable ATMEL (or even AVR) MCs (even thorugh AVRDUDE or like soft),
i just wanted to know if i can program them using Diecimila..
Please help if i can use following ones as ATTiny are not that available in India..
AT89C2051 --> http://atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc0368.pdf
AT89S51 - Flash ISP (In-System Programmable) , 8-bit Microcontroller with 4K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash
Sorry for disturbance
I was planning to get an cheaper reprogrammable ATMEL (or even AVR) MCs (even thorugh AVRDUDE or like soft), i just wanted to know if i can program them using Diecimila..
If the target processor supports "ISP" (Incircuit Serial Programming).
if i can use following ones ... AT89C2051
From the datasheet... "industry-standard MCS-51 instruction set" ... probably not.
"11. Programming The Flash" ... "5. Raise RST to 12V to enable programming." ... no.
It looks like both of those processors are "8051 Architecture". Given the fact that you have been playing with an Arduino for two months I suggest using processors based on "8 Bit AVR Architecture".
Thank you very much for your reply man!!
Was really helpful..
Now in search of 8-bit AVR with ISP..