None of the move (forward or reverse) or test (compression or tension) features seem to work. The motor does not move at all.
The LED indicators behave somewhat erratically and do not seem to correspond to the expected behavior.
The hardware itself is verified to be good. I've performed functional checks on the stepper motor, motor driver, LEDs, buttons, and verified the 3.3V and 5V power lines.
Any assistance in debugging this issue would be greatly appreciated!
I can see this is your first time posting to the forum and welcome. But you have not helped yourself, here. There is no reason not to post your sketch right there on the forum. I don't see it at your link, anyway.
There is no documentation from you to tell us how you have all the pieces connected. Use a block diagram to identify the pieces, including the power supplies and identify the connections.
A schematic would be nice to verify that you have the necessary resistors and possible capacitors necessary for operation of your machine.
None of the move (forward or reverse) or test (compression or tension) features seem to work. The motor does not move at all.
The LED indicators behave somewhat erratically and do not seem to correspond to the expected behavior.
The hardware itself is verified to be good. I've performed functional checks on the stepper motor driver, LEDs, buttons, and verified the 3.3V and 5V power lines.
where you learned how buttons are connected?(but with INPUT_PULLUP will work)
pins 0/1 better leave free
for scale module may need own 3V regulator
better powering arduino over USB or with dedicated 5V PSU
Would I want to move the button non-input pin to ground (instead of 5V) if I use the internal pullup? That way, when I press the button it takes the input pin low. I think I'm learning how to wire buttons.
I think I had a brain-fart while reading microseconds.. it processed in my head as milliseconds. Went ahead and gave it a delay of 1250, which gives me about 6rpm. Together with @kolaha 's feedback to resolve the floating pin issue, the forward, reverse, compression test, and tensile test motor movements are working, and responding to button inputs as intended.
@kolaha I am getting a "Load cell initialization failed!" message, which might be resolved per your suggestion to use a 3V regulator. I'll look into what options are out there later this week (will be away for a few days). Can I ask though, why would the Arduino's 3.3V supply not be good enough?
because Arduino board is a development tool, it contains features to start work with µC, at least check its functionality. i personally don't know what is the purpose of 3V pin on 5V PCB, but 3V used to compare with half voltage from Vin, so USB 5V will be disconnected from board 5V when external power (7-15) connected to barrel or Vin pin. originally LP2985-33DBVR rated 150mA but china clones for sure takes weaker part.
yes, this way you reduce 5V presence on PCB or breadboard and with it possibility of short circuit to something sensitive or GND.
Could I use the 5V supply off of the Arduino Uno (China copy: Elegoo)? It looks like the NAU7802 on board the Sparkfun Qwiic Scale breakout board accepts an input of 2.7V-5.5V.
Hmm, the load cell still fails to initialize.. "Load cell initialization failed!"
Checked all of my hardware connections. Continuity is good. Switched input power to the Sparkfun Qwiic Scale "3.3V input" from Arduino 3.3V output to Arduino 5V output.
Do you think that the IDE maybe failed to load the library? I see that the IDE does not recognize the library with an orange color, like it does for the others.
Okay, so it has something to do with the driver or driver power supply.
I ran the example and get non-zero readings (e.g. 6241), but once I plug in the driver power supply, while running the serial monitor, the readings will drop to "0", and if I re-establish the serial monitor (close and re-open), I'll get the "Scale not detected. Please check wiring. Freezing..." error message.
The load cell itself (DYLY-103) has an EMI jacket on the cable (containing the 4x wires), which I've plugged into ground, but no change.