I am trying to get WS2811 String with 50 Leds to work with my Arduino UNO. But have more problems than getting it work from Arduino.
- When I connect WS2811 String to External Power Source 5V without connecting any Arduino or Data. When I power ON the Lights are kind of white and ON.
Attached Image please refer.
- Setup 2 : So I tried connecting the WS2811 String Postive to 5+ Arduino and Green Data to 13 with below code on Arduino. Now without connecting any Gnd the Leds are RED. However, When I connect the GND to GND of Arduino it glows white. So there is something wrong with the LED Strip.
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/power.h>
#define PIN 13
#define LED_COUNT 50
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(LED_COUNT, PIN, NEO_BGR + NEO_KHZ400);
void setup() {
strip.show(); // Initialize all pixels to 'off'
void loop()
for(uint16_t i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++)
{ strip.setPixelColor(i,strip.Color(32,32,32)); }
What you did in #1 and #2 makes no sense.
And could well have damaged your LED strip.
You need to set up your LED strip properly with the proper power supply and with the right sketch.
So there is something wrong with the LED Strip.
No. But being a bit idiotic with wiring is never good.
- When I connect WS2811 String to External Power Source 5V without connecting any Arduino or Data. When I power ON the Lights are kind of white and ON.
So what? The power up state of the light can be anything, it does not tell you anything. I have lights that sometimes power up blue and sometimes power up black. The data sheet does not state what the power up state is so it could legitimately be anything.
So I tried connecting the WS2811 String Postive to 5+ Arduino and Green Data to 13 with below code on Arduino. Now without connecting any Gnd the Leds are RED.
Ouch! Not connecting up all the power lines is a great way to damage something. I wonder what you were expecting it to happen. It is almost like you saying I put milk in the gas tank of my car and now the dipstick is not long enough to reach the oil.
WS2811 String Postive to 5+
Most WS2811 require 12V only a very few work with 5V. What sort have you got?