Arduino up for the task?

There's a project I want to start that involves 3 small cameras recording videos and sending them (possibly wirelessly) to a hard drive stored a few feet away. Would the Arduino be capable of doing this? For the wouldn't be connected to WiFi. Would Bluetooth work for this?

Canon, Nikon, Red, Lytro and others all make cameras that will transmit video to a computer wirelessly.

What role would the Arduino play? The Arduino doesn't have anywhere near the power to handle video and you can get cameras that connect directly to the PC over wifi. I don't see why you would need any extra processor for this.

The Arduino would primarily be used to start/stop the video and to send the video data to the hard drive. I have a few other functions in mind, but recording and sending the video is the main idea. This unit would be used in a car, so I don't wifi wouldn't be an option. If the Arduino can't handle this, do you know of an alternative solution? Could the Arduino handle this task, but with just 1 camera?

Canon, Nikon, Red, Lytro and others all make cameras that will transmit video to a computer wirelessly.

My goal would be to create a relatively small unit that houses 3 kinda low-res cameras. This form factor is a bit important for its use.