attiny digispark

hi there i have a digispark ATTINY85
the one where it uses usb to upload and then reverts to no usb
i have loaded a set all pins to output (trying to lower current consumption)

for(int i=0; i <20;i++){
and of course now i cant upload anything else

does any one have a fix please

thanks Ron

A tiny85 does not have 20 pins.

Maybe try re-flashing the bootloader

Mm, as far as I know setting the pins as output should not matter. That's because you need to re-insert it to the PC to program it. And initial they are not an output and the bootloader uses them. Only thing is, you might have confused the computer connected to it. Aka, try different USB port and/or reboot.

thanks for the input Guys

i discovered i could just reset it and then i can upload new sketches to it

i went looking on utube great place to learn

thanks again