i've managed to communicate with my new ATtiny84(A?) using the arduino isp sketch, an arduino uno r3 and avrdude on a raspberry pi. however it seems to be random as to whether avrdude can talk to the 84. most times it was not talking, then for a brief spell it worked ( i used 'avrdude -c arduino -p t84 -P /dev/ttyAMC0') any advice?
the error is something like:
stk_500(): not in sync: resp= OxeO
(not definite on exact wording, but the hex code is right)
I apologise for my previous post, I was in a hurry.
I have uploaded sketches (just this evening) successfully to the ATtiny84 with the Arduino IDE and the ATtiny plugin, but purely using avrdude in the terminal, I cannot connect.
My 84 is running at 1MHz, if that helps.
avrdude throws an error in IDE avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny84 twice after uploading the sketch successfully, but I have heard this is OK.
Well thank you everyone, the problem is now fixed.
I selected the verbose output in the IDE, and they used avrdude with -b19200 so I tried that and avrdude could communicate fine with the ATtiny84. So the problem was simply the speed of the bit bashing (baudrate?)
I had two different batches of t85.. only one batch would program from the IDE via my USBISP, I thought the second batch were chinese duds and was going to throw them