ATtiny84 arduino isp communication problems

i've managed to communicate with my new ATtiny84(A?) using the arduino isp sketch, an arduino uno r3 and avrdude on a raspberry pi. however it seems to be random as to whether avrdude can talk to the 84. most times it was not talking, then for a brief spell it worked ( i used 'avrdude -c arduino -p t84 -P /dev/ttyAMC0') any advice?

the error is something like:
stk_500(): not in sync: resp= OxeO
(not definite on exact wording, but the hex code is right)

Make it verbose (-v -v -v). Capture the output. Post the output. Please use code tags.

I apologise for my previous post, I was in a hurry.

I have uploaded sketches (just this evening) successfully to the ATtiny84 with the Arduino IDE and the ATtiny plugin, but purely using avrdude in the terminal, I cannot connect.

My 84 is running at 1MHz, if that helps.

avrdude throws an error in IDE
avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny84 twice after uploading the sketch successfully, but I have heard this is OK.

In terminal, after typing

avrdude -c arduino -p t84 -P /dev/ttyACM0 -v -v -v

I get

Using Port: /dev/ttyACM0
Using Programmer: arduino
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0xe0
avrdude done. Thank you.

Hope this helps.

avrdude throws an error in IDE

avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny84

Warning. Not error. Ignore it.

I get

Too short. Try moving the verbose (-v -v -v) earlier in the command line.

Or, trying adding an extra (-v -v -v -v).

Dp you have MISO/MOSI the right way round, sometimes these little chips can be a bit confusing, sounds daft, but I have had trouble too

Also I had trouble with different batches of tiny85's - I needed to slow down the bit bashing from the USBASP to the device

The MOSI and MISO are the right way around. I've managed to upload sketches using the Arduino IDE (as I say in my previous post)

How do I slow down bit bashing?

And as the IDE works, is there a way to use whatever settings the IDE uses with avrdude?

To slow it down you could uses the -b option:

avrdude -c arduino -p t84 -P -b19200 /dev/ttyACM0 -v -v -v

If you use verbose option in the IDE you can see the speed being used

Take a look at this tutorial regarding the options with avrdude:

OK thanks, I'll check tonight.

Is the verbose option in a menu in the IDE? Settings or something?

Yes, it is in File->preferences
Show verbose output for:
You can tick off the box for compile or upload.

Well thank you everyone, the problem is now fixed. :slight_smile:

I selected the verbose output in the IDE, and they used avrdude with -b19200 so I tried that and avrdude could communicate fine with the ATtiny84. So the problem was simply the speed of the bit bashing (baudrate?)

Thanks again, I can now continue with my project. :smiley:

I had two different batches of t85.. only one batch would program from the IDE via my USBISP, I thought the second batch were chinese duds and was going to throw them

I asked on here and found it was a timing issue

see HERE