I'm having an issue getting the board up and going.
I'm using:
Arduino IDE 1.8.13
megaAVR Boards 1.8.3
Running on:
R-pi 4
When trying to compile, I get the following error message:
"avr-g++: error: device-specs/specs-atmega4809: No such file or directory
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2."
I searched the forum and found this thread from 2019- [Can't compile for Uno WiFi Rev 2] where the issue was identified (Linux ARM version of avr-gcc 5.4.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino2 doesn't support ATmega4809), discussed and reported to the dev group on Github.
Use a good quality data USB cable to connect the board to the computer without anything connected or wired to the board. Do not use USB 3.0 port or USB hub.
Make sure you select the board and the port it is connected to before uploading a sketch.
For anyone else having this issue and viewing this thread, the version of the IDE that I was running was installed through APT.
Prior to purchasing the WiFi Rev2, all I had ever programmed with it were Uno's, and they worked fine. I assume the packages in the repositories were fairly outdated.