I am doing lesson one and can't get the program to up load, It says "Error compiling". When I did the blinking LED it told me where the error was.
Is the program bad, is there an update?

There should be a button to the right of the "Error Compiling" that says Copy Error Messages. Click on that button and then past the error messages here using code tags(the </> button). If there's no Copy Error Messages then you can just select everything in the black console window at the bottom of the Arduino IDE window and copy it.

This is a copy of the error that it gave me.

Arduino: 1.6.7 (Windows 8.1), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"

D:\37 sensor kit turorial\Lesson 1 TEMP AND HUMIDITY MODULE\DHT11\DHT11.ino:1:17: fatal error: dht.h: No such file or directory

#include <dht.h>


compilation terminated.

exit status 1
Error compiling.

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in File > Preferences.

Do you have the dht library installed?

I just began doing this stuff today.
On the disk I do see several libraries marked "DHT" I also see something about installing additional libraries.
Should I install those?

It looks like the majority of Libraries are installed already

You would have needed to actually install the dht library. Just having it on the disc doesn't do anything. If you look at Sketch > Include Library you should be able to see the library on the list if it's installed. If not you need to install it. I'd hope there would be instructions for how to do this included with the disc, have a look.

I don't see a DHT library listed there.

Are there any instructions with the disc or in the DHT11.ino sketch that tell you how to install the necessary libraries?

There are instructions, but I don't see a DHT library to install.

On the disk I do see several libraries marked "DHT" I also see something about installing additional libraries.
Should I install those?

There are instructions, but I don't see a DHT library to install.

You're giving conflicting information here. You need to help me to help you, I don't have the disc to look at.