ESP32 - CAM requires a AVR ISP programmer however no options are showing

Hello, I am creating a project where a camera takes a photo of something using an ESP32 camera however whenever using a tutorial online it shows to use AVR ISP programmer to allow it to function. However whenever clicking on programmer no options are showing.

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The easiest way to program the ESP32-CAM is with the ESP32-CAM-MB as shown in this random nerd tutorial -->

There are other tutorials showing different techniques. Here's one -->


The ESP32CAM, along with other ESP32s, is normally programmed over the serial interface.

Really, which tutorial ?

What do you really mean?

The 'tutorials' just show a way of using the USB-Serial converter on the UNO to program the ESP32CAM over its Serial interface.

Nothing to do with 'AVR ISP' programming.

A modern install of the Arduino IDE ESP32 core will show 'No programmers available for this board' against 'Programmer'

(in the first video)

and if it is nothing to do with the programmer what do you suggest I do?

Just ignore the AVR ISP bit, its a tutorial using an old version of the IDE (2016).

Using a standard USB-Serial adapter to program and ESP32CAM is less confusing, or the adapter in the link that @ floresta provided.

As per other posts... keep it simple...

The ESP32-CAM is easily programmed via the serial (TX/RX) lines and an FTDI adapter.

Or substitute "FTDI adapter" with any of the readily available adapters using CP2102, CH340, PL2303 etc. :+1:

Is using an arduino uno fine as a substitute or do I need an FTDI adapter

Thanks for the video, I followed it however I ended with the error of:

Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 10.44.09

Make sure you have the correct board selected. "AI Thinker ESP32-CAM" . You also have to ensure the jumper is in place and restart the ESP32-CAM before uploading.

If I use the arduino uno will it work? I checked over the things you suggested it still shows the same error

Try this tutorial Program ESP32-CAM using Arduino UNO - Electronics Projects

This basically my problem because where it says programmer: AVR ISP
Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 11.12.20

for me when going in arduino this does not show


Still getting this error v2.6
Serial port /dev/cu.usbmodemFA121
Connecting......................................An error occurred while uploading the sketch

A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Invalid head of packet (0x01)

I have found similar error mentioned here

Following this, I think, it can be due to missing drivers or SDK. Can anyone provide more detailed instructions on how to get past this...

Without using the AVR ISP it still shows the error of:

Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 10.44.09

Im not sure how to fix it and have look into some articles of other peoples same problem

Whenever using the ESP32-CAM with arduino it shows the need of an AVR ISP, many people have told me this is not necessary for the newer versions and only needed for later versions of 1.8.12 however whenever trying to upload the error:

Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 10.44.09

Im not sure how to solve this, can anyone help?