ESP32-CAM - Strange error in Serial Monitor


It's my first time writing here so I apologize in advance if I'm posting this in the wrong category or missing any rules.

I'm kind of new to these things and currently I'm trying to learn how to use the ESP32-CAM, so I started with the Live Video Streaming Server example provided in Arduino IDE.

Problem is, after I upload the code in the ESP32-CAM and I press the RESET button, I see the following text in Serial Monitor:

11:11:24.887 -> rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
11:11:24.887 -> configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
11:11:24.887 -> clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00
11:11:24.887 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
11:11:24.887 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1344
11:11:24.887 -> load:0x40078000,len:13964
11:11:24.887 -> load:0x40080400,len:3600
11:11:24.887 -> entry 0x400805f0
11:11:25.311 -> E (495) esp_core_dump_f�3�fKr���ɕ�"յ�����ѥѥ���2�չ��jRT	�S�J*��}��ɕ}�յ�}���͡�r���ɕ�"յ�����ѥѥ���2�չ��jR�
11:11:26.967 -> ..................................................................

I have no idea why the error message looks like this or what it means, and googling it has not helped at all so far.

I'm using an FT232RL module to upload the code, the jumper is on 5V and I made sure the wiring is the same as in many tutorials I've seen (FTDI GND-ESP GND, FTDI 5V-ESP 5V, FTDI RX-ESP UOT, FTDI TX-ESP UOR) and I removed the bridge between GND-GPIO_0 (IOD) after the code was uploaded and then pressed the reset button.

I also noticed the board was getting quite hot after repeating the process 2-3 times trying to figure it out.

Does anyone know why this is happening or if I'm missing any steps?

TLDR update/conclusion:
Arduino 2 doesn't display the error messages right for me, so I moved to 1.8.19 instead.
Changing security settings in my router and making sure the ESP32-CAM tries to connect to the 2.4GHz wifi instead of 5GHz fixed the connection issues.
The brownout error I got from trying to power it with 3.3V is due to my FTDI providing only 3.19V on its 3.3V setting, but it provides enough on 5V.
The esp doesn't overheat on 5V anymore and it works fine.

I have a strong suspicion that you are killing (or have killed) your ESP32 with the 5V signal on the TX line from the FTDI adapter. An ESP32 is a 3.3V device; giving it a 5V IO signal can kill it.

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I see, honestly I thought of using 3.3V at first, but most tutorials I found always went with 5V. For example: How to Program / Upload Code to ESP32-CAM AI-Thinker (Arduino IDE) | Random Nerd Tutorials

And I followed this (exception was the GND connection as it didn't work for me like in the image, so I used the one circled on the left):

Now I tried connecting the VCC to the 3.3V pin on the ESP and moved the jumper to 3.3V on the FTDI as well. I assume you were right with that, now the ESP doesn't overheat anymore and I tried a code to make it blink which worked, so I assume the chip isn't broken :smiley:

But the error in Serial Monitor (for the live streaming thing) looks like this now:

13:01:34.220 -> ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46
13:01:34.220 -> 
13:01:34.220 -> rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
13:01:34.220 -> configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
13:01:34.220 -> clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00
13:01:34.220 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
13:01:34.220 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1344
13:01:34.220 -> load:0x40078000,len:13964
13:01:34.220 -> load:0x40080400,len:3600
13:01:34.220 -> entry 0x400805f0
13:01:34.644 -> E (495) esp_core_dump_f�f�fKr���ɕ�"յ�����ѥѥ���2�չ��jRT	�S�J*��}��ɕ}�յ�}���͡�r���ɕ�"յ�����ѥѥ���2�չ��jR�
13:01:35.153 -> 
13:01:35.153 -> Brownout detector was triggered

Any suggestions for that last new line? I see it can be due to too low voltage, among other reasons. Should I have left the jumper on 5V and wire the FTDI to 3.3V or the other way around, instead of having everything on 3.3V? The mini-USB cable I use to connect the FTDI to the pc is like 1m long, could that also be an issue while being on 3.3V?

The brownout seems to indicate that the supply voltage is too low; this can happen when you feed the board with 3 3V on the 5V pin.

I'm reluctant to advice on the correct settings; can you provide a link to the FTDI adapter that you use. I do not know what the jumper does.

If you have a multimeter, disconnect the FTDI from the ESP32 and keep it connected to the PC. Measure the voltage on the pin that you use to power the ESP32 board for both jumper settings. Also measure the voltage on the TX pin of the adapter with both jumper settings; that one may not be above 3.3V.

I moved to the 3.3V pin on the ESP when I tested it after your first reply, so I'm guessing it must be something else.

Here you have a link to the FTDI:

Sadly I don't have a multimeter so I can't really measure anything.

I managed to get a multimeter and do what you said. When the jumper is on 5V i get 5.09V on both the VCC and the TX pin. When the jumper is on 3.3V, I get 3.19V on both. I also tried powering the FTDI with a wall charger instead of the PC (using the same cable) and I got the same values.

I assume the voltage being <3.3V might be the reason for the brownout, right? Could it be that either the cable or the FTDI isn't functioning correctly?

I'm not familiar with your board or the processor on it; I would not think that it's that critical but it can be.

I do not know how the FTDI adapter generates the 3.3V? If that 3.3V is pulled from the 3.3V pin of the FTDI chip or if there is a dedicated 3.3V voltage regulator. If it's the former, the datasheet of the FTDI232R states that power consumption is limited to 50 mA which might be insufficient.

What I would try is to feed the ESP32-CAM with 5V on its 5V pin (don't forget GND as well), set the FTDI to 3.3V and only use GND/Tx/Rx of the adapter connected to the relevant pins of the ESP32-CAM.

I know that you don't want to hear this but your initial setup might have done permanent damage to the ESP32-CAM; just keep it in mind.

There is a usb-serial adapter that is designed for the esp32cam, and most seem to come with them now. They make it easy to use unless you want to use the few available pins for anything, then you will say wtf like I just did when I want to hook up something. now you must unsolder things..
I think you have damaged your esp32 with the 5v, I have damaged many of them. If you get them from amazon just return them as defective.... lol

Hello again,

I kind of managed to figure out why I had issues so far.

First, the unreadable error message: I was using the Arduino IDE 2 in the beginning, but when I switched to the Arduino 1.8.19 version, the error was:

esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found!

No idea why this happens but if there's one version that works fine, I'm more than happy.

When I got that error, I was trying to follow this tutorial: ESP32-CAM Video Streaming and Face Recognition with Arduino IDE

Then I switched to the code from this one instead: ESP32-CAM Video Streaming Web Server
The esp_core_dump_flash error was gone but my ESP still didn't connect to the WiFi and making multiple (failed) attempts also lead it to overheat.

Turns out I had to change my router's settings and make sure the ESP was trying to connect to 2.4GHz WiFI and not to the default 5GHz.

The esp cam isn't damaged after all, it connects to the WiFi, it doesn't overheat on 5V anymore (still using my FTDI) and the camera works perfectly fine.

Also, @benimble:
Yes, my teacher also questioned why I didn't go for that adapter :cry: But seeing as my esp doesn't overheat anymore with my FTDI on 5V, for now I'll just keep using that. Still, it's a good learning experience for future projects. And thankfully I don't have to unsolder anything since I'm using jumper wires.

Thanks everyone for your inputs, it helped me keep in mind some things.

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