Faster speed microstep code

Hi I am fairly new to Arduino code and have made a camera slider using the code from a YouTube project It does everything I need it but I would like to increase the speed and have tried changing the values in the following section: -
(Speed_Delay = map(read_ADC, 0, 1023, 8000, 10); //value map for Microstep resolution Delay)
But it doesn't change. I have had a search around for how to do so and I think that I may not be able to without changing part of the code. If anyone could offer some help I would be very grateful.

If poss I would like to make the potentiometer have a wide range from very slow to high speed etc.

I am using a nema 17 Act Motor with an a4988 and a Nano board

Here is the code I am using:-

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

#define potentiometer  A0  //10k Variable Resistor
#define bt_F A1 // Clockwise Button
#define bt_S A2 // Stop Button
#define bt_B A3 // Anticlockwise Button

#define dirPin  8  //8Pin  of Arduino--Direction of stepper motor driver 
#define stepPin 9  //9Pin  of Arduino--Step of stepper motor driver 
#define enPin   10 //10Pin of Arduino--Enabled of stepper motor driver  

int read_ADC;
int Speed_LCD, Speed_Delay;
int Mode=1, flag=0;

void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once
pinMode(potentiometer, INPUT); // declare potentiometer as input 

pinMode(bt_F, INPUT_PULLUP); // declare bt_F as input
pinMode(bt_S, INPUT_PULLUP); // declare bt_S as input
pinMode(bt_B, INPUT_PULLUP); // declare bt_B as input

pinMode(dirPin,  OUTPUT); // declare as output for Direction of stepper motor driver 
pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT); // declare as output for Step of stepper motor driver 
pinMode(enPin,   OUTPUT); // declare as output for Enabled of stepper motor driver 
lcd.print(" WELCOME TO  MY ");
lcd.print(" CAMERA SLIDER");
delay(2000); // Waiting for a while

void loop() { 

read_ADC = analogRead(potentiometer); // read analogue to digital value 0 to 1023 
Speed_Delay = map(read_ADC, 0, 1023, 8000, 10); //value map for Microstep resolution Delay
Speed_LCD = map(read_ADC, 0, 1023, 0, 100); //value map to Display on the LCD

lcd.print("   Speed: ");
lcd.print("%  ");

if(digitalRead (bt_F) == 0){Mode = 2; digitalWrite(enPin, LOW);} //For Clockwise

if(digitalRead (bt_S) == 0){ //For Stop
      if(Mode==0)digitalWrite(enPin, HIGH);
            else digitalWrite(enPin, LOW);

if(digitalRead (bt_B) == 0){Mode = 3; digitalWrite(enPin, LOW);} //For Anticlockwise


     if(Mode==0)lcd.print("      Free      ");
else if(Mode==1)lcd.print("      Stop      ");
else if(Mode==2)lcd.print("     > Right >  ");
else if(Mode==3)lcd.print("     < Left <   ");

if(Speed_LCD>0 && Mode>1){ 
     if(Mode==2)digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW);// Stepper motor rotates CW (Clockwise)
           else digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH);// Stepper motor rotates CCW (Anticlockwise)

digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);


I moved your topic to an appropriate forum category @sophiekatie123.

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Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

To find out why not, put in some Serial.print() statements to check the values, and whether they change as expected.

e.g. after this line:

Speed_Delay = map(read_ADC, 0, 1023, 8000, 10); //value map for Microstep resolution Delay


Serial.print("delay value ");

As long as you are not using acceleration, the stepper speed will be limited. A stepper can't go from 0 to several thousand steps per second instantaneously. Use a library like AccelStepper or MobaTools if you want high speeds. I prefer MobaTools.

Or you can write your own stepper code with acceleration. See Increase Steppe motor speed - #8 by Robin2

You create only one step per loop cycle. And you do a lot in your loop - especially many lcd prints - what slows down your loop. This defines the speed much more than your Speed_Delay.

Static characters should be printed at the end of setup().

lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
lcd.setCursor(14, 0);
lcd.print("% ");

Variables should only be printed when they change.

Hi as mentioned I a pretty new to the Arduino code. I have tried to put a couple of codes together to try and achive what im after but I am struggling as I don't really know what im doing code wise but I am good with the electronics side of things.

This is what I have done so far: I have made a motorized camera slider with a Nema 17 (initially with an a4899 driver but have now changed it to a tmc2208 which is quieter) and used a set up
(which I found on YouTube) and it works exactly as I would like it to except is is too slow even when the potentiometer is full up.

I have tried changing the values in the speed delay but it doesn't go any faster.

I have seen other codes that work with a potentiometer but don't have all the functions that I would like ie:-
potentiometer (to control the speed of the sider)
direction change ( via a microswitch and button)
stop button
lcd display (to show motor speed, but not essential)

I would be good if I could just adapt the code to setup I have as I have assembled and soldered it all on to a pcb board but again not essential as I may have to put it all in a bigger box to allow for a fan to cool the heatsink on the tmc2208 as it is pretty hot (also would also be grateful for advice on whether a fan needed)

I will try and upload a jpeg of the circuit diagram shortly as I cant see how to do so on here at the moment.

If anyone could post a code that would suit or amend mine to make it faster I would be very grateful

Many thank in advance

here is the code

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

#define potentiometer  A0  //10k Variable Resistor
#define bt_F A1 // Clockwise Button
#define bt_S A2 // Stop Button
#define bt_B A3 // Anticlockwise Button

#define dirPin  8  //8Pin  of Arduino--Direction of stepper motor driver 
#define stepPin 9  //9Pin  of Arduino--Step of stepper motor driver 
#define enPin   10 //10Pin of Arduino--Enabled of stepper motor driver  

int read_ADC;
int Speed_LCD, Speed_Delay;
int Mode=1, flag=0;

void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once
pinMode(potentiometer, INPUT); // declare potentiometer as input 

pinMode(bt_F, INPUT_PULLUP); // declare bt_F as input
pinMode(bt_S, INPUT_PULLUP); // declare bt_S as input
pinMode(bt_B, INPUT_PULLUP); // declare bt_B as input

pinMode(dirPin,  OUTPUT); // declare as output for Direction of stepper motor driver 
pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT); // declare as output for Step of stepper motor driver 
pinMode(enPin,   OUTPUT); // declare as output for Enabled of stepper motor driver 
lcd.print(" WELCOME TO  MY ");
lcd.print(" CAMERA SLIDER");
delay(2000); // Waiting for a while

void loop() { 

read_ADC = analogRead(potentiometer); // read analogue to digital value 0 to 1023 
Speed_Delay = map(read_ADC, 0, 1023, 5000, 10); //value map for Microstep resolution Delay
Speed_LCD = map(read_ADC, 0, 1023, 0, 100); //value map to Display on the LCD

lcd.print("   Speed: ");
lcd.print("%  ");

if(digitalRead (bt_F) == 0){Mode = 2; digitalWrite(enPin, LOW);} //For Clockwise

if(digitalRead (bt_S) == 0){ //For Stop
      if(Mode==0)digitalWrite(enPin, HIGH);
            else digitalWrite(enPin, LOW);

if(digitalRead (bt_B) == 0){Mode = 3; digitalWrite(enPin, LOW);} //For Anticlockwise


     if(Mode==0)lcd.print("      Free      ");
else if(Mode==1)lcd.print("      Stop      ");
else if(Mode==2)lcd.print("     > Right >  ");
else if(Mode==3)lcd.print("     < Left <   ");

if(Speed_LCD>0 && Mode>1){ 
     if(Mode==2)digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW);// Stepper motor rotates CW (Clockwise)
           else digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH);// Stepper motor rotates CCW (Anticlockwise)

digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);


here is the youtube link which has the circuit diagram and build details

Hi Im not sure what you mean by "You create only one step per loop cycle" I must admit I know very little about coding is there a way I could get a little more speed by using the code i am using or is it a case of starting with another code.


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