How to connect components to the esp 32 dev kit?

the schematic diagram:

the actual board:

For example, if I going to connect a dht11 should I do like this:

My thought is, according to the schematic, "data" port is already internally connected to pin G32, so I just need to connect it to gnd and Vcc respectively. Am I missing anything?

Why not use the connections labelled as DHT11 ?


The third via from the left seems to be the DATA pin. See the diagonal trace leading from the via.

Where did you get the board in the 'photo ?

From left to right: Vcc, DATA, NC, GND. I am wondering if I put dht11 there, do I still need wire the DATA up to the pin of the board since according to the schematic diagram DATA is already connected to pin G22?

The via for the DATA pin has a wire inside the circuit board.


Shine a light from behind the circuit board and you will see the trace leading from the DATA via.

Thanks for the reply. One more question, according to the circuit does it mean that I can add 2 more components(each working voltage 3.3V) and 2 more components(each working voltage 5V)?

The 3v3 and 5v pads are attached to the mcu, which is not a power supply (despite what some say).

Does the DEV KIT not describe its own board? Did you get the DEV KIT without reading its purpose?

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