How to connect GPS Neo 6M to GSM Shield SIM900 V2 ?

I'm doing my final year project, My project is based on "Arduino Real Time GPRS/GSM & GPS Tracker". So Now I have purchased the hardware components such as:

  1. Arduino UNO R3
  2. GSM Shield SIM900 V2.0
  3. Ublox GPS Neo - 6M Module

I'm a beginner to this project, I have a doubt connecting these components together. I have stack the GSM Shield with the Arduino Uno but I don't know how to connect the GPS module to the GSM Shield (How to wire the components). because as you see my pic you might see on top of the GSM shield there are no female headers except one which comes for the display.

  1. So do I need to implement a female header on the GSM Shield and solder it to connect the GPS module?

2.Can't I connect the GPS module to the GSM Shield's UART Pins?

Please Help me Guys

So do I need to implement a female header on the GSM Shield and solder it to connect the GPS module?

You need to use a female sockets to connect to the GPS module with male pins to connect to the GSM shield. Sparkfun has male to male and female to female connectors. Get 4 of each.

Can't I connect the GPS module to the GSM Shield's UART Pins?

You could, but then you couldn't debug anything. Since you are asking these basic questions, I think that it is safe to assume that you will need to debug a lot of stuff.

Use two other pins and an instance of SoftwareSerial.

Thanks alot Sir! I will try that and let you know.

I'm doing quite a similar final year project as you. Could you help me with the connections and codes, please? I'm having trouble merging all the 3 items together and the coding part. But when I try to work on it separately, it works. My project is supposed to send the latitude & longitude / google maps link through SMS.