How to rebuild Max6675

I want to dismount a Max6675 module, to rebuild it on a pcb so I can have more space instead of just solding the whole module on the pcb, Can anyone help me?

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Not sure what kind of help your expecting?

Look for the schematic of your module and/or consult the datasheet. Based on the datasheet, it requires just one decoupling capacitor.

Buy the chip from a reputable supplier.

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Do you mean remove the chip from the module.
The easy way is with a hot air rework station, which you are going to need to solder smd components anyway. The more risky way is to put the board on an electric hotplate (for cooking).
If you see the solder melt (~200C), then simply lift off the chip with tweezers.

I would buy the IC from any of the main electronic sellers.

However, you can use hot-air to remove the IC from a prototype board. Be careful.

Thanks for answering, yes remove the chip from de module, I mean rebuild de module but on a PCB so I can have more space, instead of just putting the module on the pcb, I just need the chip and reconect all the pins, gnd vcc clk cs and so?

The schematic for Adafruit's MAX6675 module is here.
Note: The thermocouple connections must be screw terminals, you can't solder thermocouple wire.
MAX6675 Schematic

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