I want to design and create leakage current measure for Surge Arrester 115kV AC Voltage use Wemos D1 R32 (ESP32)

Hello. i am trying to create a project about design & create Surge Arrester Monitoring AC Voltage 115kV using ESP32 + Adafruit SH1106 + ADS1115 + AD620. Measure use HFCT to clamp at ground line from Arrester to measure leakage current like this

My Design Circuit

i want to measure leakage current at milliampere (mA) and show on OLED

i really need more information , circuit correct connect & or use component , or If it is possible, could anybody give a code or any suggestion to help me achieve it? I am a really newbie. Thank so much

Testing code

in experimental use Voltage 230v generater use with 100kV Tranformer

ETCR025K Datasheet

What have you tried and tested and what are the results?

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Why not use commercial equipment, it is readily available, calibrated and safe.

@gilshultz sry for late reply. really want to make for portable and can measure monitoring application wireless in smartphone at a cheap way as possible.

Note the data on your detector states 600V Maximum! Unless I am missing something I would recommend you not use it but get an appropriate one for your voltage.

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@gilshultz i use CT clamp to measure and monitoring leakage current from 115kV arrester by CT clamp at Earth current line as follow my example image

in theory as i research. CT clamp are send leakage current signal output as analog. so i want to use that analog signal from CT clamp connected to ESP32 for receive and display at OLED (as a following my code)

so what i really need to is "CT Clamp Leakage Current Sensor"part for direct connect as ESP32

can you provide Leakage Current sensor are "appropriate one" for it?

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