Internet Connection Without Wifi

I need to send sensor data from a Due through a Wifi resistant wall then over the Internet via a Netgear MR1100 hotspot. The hotspot has working ethernet and usb tethering but I haven't found much info out there.

What would be the least panful way to send this data?

Can you get an Ethernet cable through the wall?

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Mains powerline network adaptors?


Sub-GHz has far better penetration than the 2.4 or 5 GHz used by most WiFi...

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Yes, and that was my initial idea. I see that there is an Arduino ethernet shield, I suppose I could rig the wiring for the due. Surprised there is not much else available.

LoRa goes through walls pretty effectively ... but it's not super fast. What type of payload size / bandwidth needs do you have ?

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