I don't want to use octo coupler, hall sensor or any other sensor,
I want to try to build a small circuit consist of a coil and Analog input of the arduino
Just to detect if the AC switch is ON or OFF (only 1 AC wire), I don't need to measure
the voltage or the current.
Whether or not anything is connected to the switch?
In my case an AC wire is connected to the Switch, and I need to detect when it is on or off,
since it is 220V AC my ATtiny85 in my setup won't like that very much if I connected GND and Input pin to detect switch turning on, haha.
So I seen a few solutions of non contact ways of detecting current flow, but nothing with an Arduino
or ATtiny in my case
So I seen a few solutions of non contact ways of detecting current flow, but nothing with an Arduino
or ATtiny in my case
I don't think you understand how hall effect sensors work. They are NOT connected to the house wiring at all, as they would pop just as fast as your Attiny.
I don't think you understand how hall effect sensors work. They are NOT connected to the house wiring at all, as they would pop just as fast as your Attiny.
I understand that completely, not sure why you thought I wasn't
careful with the DPST switch. having AC being switched next to the DC signal to the arduino may cause interference. I had something similar happen when switching 24vac with a small relay from the arduino causing the arduino to freeze.
careful with the DPST switch. having AC being switched next to the DC signal to the arduino may cause interference. I had something similar happen when switching 24vac with a small relay from the arduino causing the arduino to freeze.
mm I'm planing to connect 220V AC line next to the Arduino Input, what do you suggest ?
how can I avoid interference ?