Hello everyone, I am hoping someone can help me I'm rather new to arduino and I purchased an LCD screen from GearBest. The backlight works and I have a potentiometer hooked up however my text is not being printed on the display I will include images. All that is appearing on the blue background is white boxes. Can anyone help me? My wording is right and my code is the generic hello world code. I fallowed almost everyone online tutorial with no help please help me!
- Please post your code, using code tags </> (even if you think that it is a "standard" test sketch ...)
- Did you solder the lcd display yourself and how is your soldering expertise?
- Anyway: pls post another picture showing the solder spots explicitly and another one showing the connections between your display and the Arduino (so that we can identify, which wire goes to which Arduino pin)
If a display doesn't work, and the trim pot was used to adjust the contrast, in most cases a bad wiring and/or soldering is the cause of a non-working display.
Hello thank you so much for a quick response to my issue, Here is my code
// include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
void setup() {
// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
lcd.begin(16, 2);
// Print a message to the LCD.
lcd.print("hello, world!");
void loop() {
// set the cursor to column 0, line 1
// (note: line 1 is the second row, since counting begins with 0):
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
// print the number of seconds since reset:
lcd.print(millis() / 1000);
as well My Soldering Experience has been.. Less then exemplary however I do have access to one and do plan on Soldering the LCD screen this weekend. As of yet it is not Soldered However I am using a connecter not just jumper wires. I have provided pictures of this as well! Thanks!!!!
I will respond a second time with pictures
so its not letting me put the pictures because apparently there to big so what I did is I just put them on Media fire in a compressed zip file
let me know what else you need! thanks!
See what happens if you completely disconnect the 'Vo' pin from everything...... and then add a 4.7 kilo Ohm resistor (ie. 4700 Ohm) between the 'Vo' pin and ground.
The pictures seem to show that you wired the LCD correctly (at least for d4-d7).
The parallaxis prevents to be clear about "en", "rw" and "rs".
But without a solid and good soldering the display won't work properly. So we'll wait until all wires are soldered.
In the meantime it would be good, if you could show us the wiring diagram of the whole configuration so we could already check for potential issues, if the display still won't work after being soldered.
ok so, I have soldered it and It is now working I am going to assume that it wasent getting a good connection thanks so much!! have a good one everyone
I am going to assume that it wasent getting a good connection
Those displays always need solid solder connections (as all electronic devices).
The electrons need to flow freely
Thank you for your help tho!