Hello Everyone,
I'm a newbie trying to figure out how to connect and read a pressure transducer on an Ardunio Uno or ESP32.
I have two options for the sensors, a two-wire loop or a three-wire.
Two-wire needs power supply of 8 .. 30 VDC max 25mA, with an Output signal of 4 .. 20 mA, 2 Wire (Positive Pin 1, Ground Pin 2) (I think this is the best option)
Three-wire needs power supply @ 14...30 V DC, with signal wire 0 ... 10 Volt. (Positive Pin 1, Ground Pin 2, S+ Pin 3)
I am thinking of the two-wire option and here is the schematic.
As a newbie, I'm also then trying to figure out how to use the two-wire loop to read the current signal through the Arduino GPIO(1) pin? I believe I need resisters in two different spots.
The sensor goes from 0 - 5000 psi, the current is 4 to 20 mA. I believe I would use a Map command to convert mA to Pressure:
int MyPressure = map(analogRead (A1), 4, 20, 0, 5000)
Any suggestions on the best way to make this happen? Does anybody have any code examples you might be able to guide me to?
I hope I provided enough information.
Thank you in advance,
Or if I use a three-wire I am guessing two wires drive the transducer and the third wire returns a voltage from