Hello everyone,
I'm coming to you because I'm stuck on a program to retrieve weight measurements. I'm a beginner in programming and after searching and testing several solutions, the program doesn't return any values. In another program I can only get one value from a sensor. I am trying to get 4 measurements at the same time. I have 4 same weight sensors and I want to get the measurements of these sensors independently in 4 columns. I have a TCA9845A Adafruit Multiplexer but I have not yet implemented a program for it. Do I have to use one to read the 4 measurements differently?
Here is the reference of the sensors: HX711 Arduino Pressure Sensor Module, Load Cell Gauge
Here is the link to the program that only takes one measurement:
If you could help me on the form of the program to have and other advice or on how to announce the functions that would be great. Thank you very much in advance.