Hello, I am new to the Arduino and I'am doing school project "Basketball Hoop". But I run into a problem. When I connect 5V and ground pin to the breadboard Arduino and all the other parts shut off. Here is the scheme, code and how it should look : BasketballMiniHoop/RoughSchematics/MINIHOOPTRACKERSCHEMATICS.png at main · harshp30/BasketballMiniHoop · GitHub
Connect everything without power applied. Measure the resistance between GND and Vcc when you add one wire after another. Stop when the short occurs and check what's wrong.
Fritzing pictures are of no help to me.
Disconnect the batteries and plug in the USB cable to the UNO.
Does it work OK like this?
Hello. No it turns off when I connect anything to + symbol. I can connect 5v and ground and it works but soon as I plug in cable to power the sensor it turns off. I wonder if there any other way to power all the components without using 5 v Arduino pin with just a battery pack ? Thanks.
Then you have a wiring mistake somewhere or the sensor is bad.
Here is what it looks like: When it is connected like this it works, but soon as I connect the cable that iam holding to plus+ it shuts off.
You have the sensor wired backwards.
Look on the front of the sensor near the pins for the pin names.
Oh my god you are right thank you. I will try to connect other parts now and I will get back if something wont work. Thanks again.
You may have damaged the ultrasonic semsor by connecting it backwards.
First, I would just connect it and see if it works.
I connected the sensor and tested it with a distance measuring program it works. Do you have any connecting order that should i connect and test parts in mind ?
Just be careful.
They show 4 batteries which is wrong. You need 6 in series to give you 9V.
First test everything with just the USB cable connected. When everything works OK then you can connect the batteries.
It won't last long on the 9V battery but you can use it for testing
You should have 6AAs, otherwise you may be changing the 9V every couple of hours.
Should i buy something like this and put only 6 batteries in:
Or can i buy this with a jack and would it work? :
Yes that is a good choice!
Nice I so Iam buying that but I also wanted to ask you if i can connect my switch with these little claws:
or if I need this type of cable(because I dont know what its called i cant find it anywhere on the internet):
The clips will fall off or may short together
You need to solder the wires to the switch or buy a switch with screw terminals.
Thanks Jim, I will order the solder and finish up the project. Thanks for your guidance. Is there a way that I can give you "Karma" or help you on this site? Also I would like to stay in contact with you if any other problems arise is there a way to do so ?
When you have everything working you can mark the topic solved but leave it open for now just in case
If you respond to any of my posts I will see it
Do you know how to solder?
Yes I know how to solder basic things so I think I will manage to do this. I will leave the thread open as you said for now.