N-mosfet circuit problem

n-mosfet: FDD8447L

I wanted to control a solenoid (the M) using the 3.7V battery but with this configuration I get a voltage drop of about 2 volts between D and S even if the load is not connected.

Using an external battery the circuit works and I don't have any voltage drop. I don't understand why using the same battery to power up the esp and the solenoid this isn't working out the same.

EDIT: I found the problem and it was the wiring of post #13: I plugged the load to source instead of drain.

This is the correct and finally working wiring (ignore the lack of resistor to the LED):

I'm now experiencing another problem though.
When I'm plugging an LED it works fine with a simple blink sketch to pin 2.
When I'm replacing the LED with a Mini-L298N (h-bridge motor driver) the MOSFET stays always on. Between the L298N and the MOSFET there is a voltage booster 5 to 9V.

Ignore the 5V input of the motor driver, the Mini-L298N is a little bit different:

As for N channel MOSFET the Source should be tied to GND.
See first picture here: Resistor configuration on MOSFET high side/low side switches

Although the used FDD8447L is a logic level MOSFET, 3V3 coming from ESP32 might be not enough. If you look at the datasheet the Vgs threshold voltage can be as high as 3.0V. That is where only 250uA Ids can flow!

Moreover with 3V3 Vgs voltage the MOSFET is below it's ZTC point, thermal instability can occur!

You should really reconsider your circuit!

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Thank you very much. What mosfet would you recommend for 3.3V logic and 2A minimum of current?

Sorry, I just I messed up the diagram but the wiring I made was correct

fixed version:

Do you see the voltage divider that reduces the gate voltage?
The pull down resistor should sit on the output pin, not at the gate.

The voltage reduction would be small but you're right

It is no surprise that the circuit shown does not work.

Why is the battery connected to Vin, with its negative pole connected to the MOSFET drain?

What is powering the ESP32?

The battery is connected to a voltage regulator (Lolin32 lite).

The negative pole is connected to source, I'm sorry I made the scheme wrong.

Ignore the LM317, it's just an example.

Make it right.


Please post an ACCURATE, COMPLETE circuit diagram. Pencil and paper works well.

We prefer not to "ignore" your nonsense.

Is a tiny surface mount device OK?

Short answer: NPN transistor

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Just tested it out with an Arduino Uno connected via USB. The 5V out drops about 2.2 volts from drain to source in this configuration. (the mosfet is GSD, not GDS)

Instead of the motor I placed the multimeter.

Did you still want a new MOSFET?

  • Do not power a motor via the Arduino 5V pin !
  • Place a kickback diode across the motor terminals.
  • See this PDF for logic level MOSFETs:

Logic Level MOSFETs 20 07 17.pdf (1.3 MB)

Now, can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Hand drawn and photographed is perfectly acceptable.
Please include ALL hardware, power supplies, component names and pin labels.

In particular, label the gate, drain and source pins, cut and paste images do not show everything.

Please post your test code.

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

It's true that a Darlington type NPN transistor like TIP122 could be easily switched with a GPIO. Darlington type transistors have very high current gain, for 2A collector current TIP122 would only need ~1mA base current!

But wouldn't be the CE saturation voltage too high for this application? At 2A it would be around 1V.

Even if the solenoid would be okay with the voltage drop, the transistor would dissipate 2W, which is ~120°C temperature rise on the transistor (without added cooling).

With a correctly chosen and switched MOSFET, the dissipation would be maximum 0,5W.


  • What voltage is needed for your solenoid to work correctly?
  • How long are you planning to actuate it continuously?

I'm not powering any motor that was just an example to monitor the voltage drop I'm experiencing. You can replace the motor with an LED.

By the way I found the problem and it was the wiring of post #13: I plugged the load to source instead of drain.

This is the correct and finally working wiring (ignore the lack of resistor to the LED):

I'm now experiencing another problem though.
When I'm plugging an LED it works fine with a simple blink sketch to pin 2.
When I'm replacing the LED with a Mini-L298N (h-bridge motor driver) the MOSFET stays always on. Between the L298N and the MOSFET there is a voltage booster 5 to 9V.

Ignore the 5V input of the motor driver, the Mini-L298N is a little bit different:

You seem to heave a very jumpy target :wink:

What's the purpose of the MOSFET now?

The MOSFET enables power to the H-bridge. I need this on/off configuration because the H-bridge dissipates power when powered and of course this is not acceptable in a future battery powered configuration.