Need help finding a USB connector

I have a board that currently receives 5V over a pair of hookup wires, but I would like to redesign the PCB with a Micro USB socket.

I didn't think there would be hundreds of different footprints.

Ideally, what I would like to find is a source for a micro USB connector and the Eagle library for it. Any suggestions?

for new projects the recommendation is to use the USB type C connector, because the user can plug it in any position.

I'm the user and have dozens of Micro-USB cables, but maybe one or two USB-C. I wouldn't mind buying a few more, but my current issue is finding a source for the part and an Eagle library for it.

If you can find a source with a datasheet showing dimentions, creating a custom Eagle part is not difficult (Just a little time consuming). I would reccomend the 'big' names, RS-components, Farnell, Digi-Ke Etc, as Chines suppliers MAY provide different components with slight differences between orders. Or buy a couple of thousand from Ali-Express, but you may struggle to get a footprint. There is no standars for the footprint, only the user connection.

Tanks, I'll add the library and look for the parts. Matching the part to a library is the problem.

If you go to digikey or mouser, then find a microUSB connector that they have in large quantity, not on marketplace, directly stocked by those two vendors, then look on the page for ECAD model and download it for EAGLE. If the part doesn't have such model, move down your list to the next part they stock in large qty. There is no need to either do it yourself or trust a random github repo. Place the part on your schematics and print out a 1:1 board view and overlay the actual part on top to check for accuracy.

That's pretty much what I did. I found a USB-C through-hole connector on DigiKey, ordered ten and downloaded the library.

I was just hoping someone else had some experience with a part and library.

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