Need some Arduino LED Matrix advice. Newbie....

Im starting to gather information for a project and need some help/advice since im fairly new to Arduino and LED Matrix. I have been reading on it for the last few weeks so i know a little bit. so please bear with me if i sound like an idiot :wink:

I'm going to create an LED Matrix. according to my calculations it will be around 6 feet wide and 3 feet long. The LED's i found carry 25 per strip. so im thinking around 10 of these LED strips would do the job.

so my first question... are these able to be controlled individually? i mean each led... if not, could you give an example of which ones i would need? Just a model would be ok.

second question is... is one Arduino board enough? ( I looked around and ive seen threads with people using hundreds if not thousands of LED's and obviously needing multiple boards) how many Arduino boards would i need and which ones? I've been looking around and couldn't find an answer and which board would work best for an LED Matrix.

And my last question...i dont know much about coding so is there a software that makes it easier to program LED's with patters and what not? I plan to have them controlled with music. maybe even having them display a picture?

please bear with me as i work with electronics but this part is new to me. I would appreciate some guidance in this project.

Thank You,


so my first question... are these able to be controlled individually? i mean each led... if not, could you give an example of which ones i would need? Just a model would be ok.

With WS2801 controllers you can set each LED individually, yes.

Also WS2811, WS2812 LEDs will work.

second question is... is one Arduino board enough?


And my last question...i dont know much about coding

Plan on spending some time learning that. Poking around other people's code won't teach you, you need to sit down and study some programming basics.

Plan on spending some time learning that. Poking around other people's code won't teach you, you need to sit down and study some programming basics.

True, you need to learn a bit of programming before you start making something simply awesome (which includes working with LED matrices) with the Arduino.

Check out the following link if you are new to LED mareices and Multiplexing:
Arduino Playground - HomePage.

Also, you can check out the book "Arduino Cookbook" by Michael Margolis which contains enough stuff to help you do great things with your Arduino.

I appreciate you guys getting back to me. I do plan on spending some time reading on programing. Ill keep you guys posted when i finish it. I hoping to have it done by the time springs rolls in if not before.