Hello, I'm setting up permanent LED lights on my house. I have LED strips with 5pin connections. I want to use my esp8266 NodMCU to control them.
I have 12v LEDs and a 12v power source. I also have a step down 12v to 5v converter module to power the NodMCU.
I need to diagram for the 5 pin wires to make the board and have it run WLED. The full run is 200+ft. I will have power injection running parallel to hit each strip after 16ft.
I have MOSFIT drivers available, they are 5050 not individually addressable. Just in groups of 3. I've seen videos for the 3pin LEDs just not the 5pin.
So it sounds like you might have Red/Green/Blue/White LEDs with resistors for 12V. The big question is: are the 5050 LEDs Common Anode or Common Cathode. Perhaps a clear close-up picture of a set of three would help.
We don't know what you have... If you don't have any specs and you can't figure it out I'd recommending buying something from a reliable supplier so you can get the datasheet.
5 wires is unusual. Maybe it's just a 5-terminal connector and they aren't all being used?
A non-addressable Red, Blue, Green, White, strip would be 4 "color" connections plus one common ground or power line. A 4-channel chase-light connection would also be 5-wires.
There are "clocked" addressable strips. These have power, ground, data, and clock.
It is exactly as I said. The strip is labelled with +,R,G,B and W. What is your difficulty? The white pin (W) is driven exactly the same as the RGB pins.
This is a self help forum. It is not a schematics on demand forum. Please do some research on this common topic and then post a proposed diagram for advice.
In post #4, I asked you for specific hardware details. Like this:
Were you trying to say something? Can you please try again? What research have you done? It is not difficult to find diagrams online for the RGB drive. Please look. The only difference for you, will be adding one more MOSFET for the W drive.
I haven't used this kind. It looks like they are not individually addressable so you "ground" the RGBW lines and the whole string is one color? If you drive the lines with different phase relationships I guess you can get some interesting effects.
So you can't let me know which spot on the esp8266 the extra color pin connects to. I did my research. I saw where the 4pin connections were made, I just thought this group could help me figured out where theb5thbone goes.
A fast and feature-rich implementation of an ESP8266/ESP32 webserver to control NeoPixel (WS2812B, WS2811, SK6812) LEDs or also SPI based chipsets like the WS2801 and APA102!
You don't have addressable LEDs so the WLED project is not suitable for your LED strips.