Nixie tube with i2c, can't get zero to light

So I'm learning how to control nixie tubes with an Arduino through i2c and k155 nixie driver chips. I've had luck so far with each of those elements separately, and am just now bringing them together in the what makes the most sense.

The k1555 chip has 4 input pins that basically take a binary number and connect the appropriate pin. IE you make A low, B high, C low, D low, and it will connect pin 2 to light up the Nixie's "2". I got this working directly from the Arduino by manually writing each pin low or high for each zero I wanted, 0 through 9.

Then I plugged it into a PCF8574 i2c that I've also had luck with coding for in the past. I've been able to hook up 6 leds to confirm that I could get each to light up as I wished. (if you don't know, coding for i2c through the Wire.h library is, as far as I understand it, the reverse of binary. You write the i2c device a number from 0 to 255 and it writes to each pin corresponding to the binary digit.)

The logics at play for each of these chips seem to cancel each other out, so that if I want a 1 to light up I just feed the i2c chip "1", it will tell my k155 chip "0001", and that will connect my nixie tube's "1" cathode.

And it all worked, with a simple loop cycling from 0 through to 9...except for the "0". The nixie tube is just shut off for that duration of the loop. This seems to be because the code for the k155 chip to light the "0" is (0000) ie no signal...except that I am able to get the "0" to light when I run the test directly from the arduino to the k155.

Has anyone had this experience or similar before? Code posted below. As I've said this code works to light each digit in succession except for "0", and I can get the "0" to light with no other change than changing the 4 input pins from the i2c straight into the arduino and using different code.

#include "Wire.h"
#define nixie 0x20
int dd=300;

void setup()

void allOff()

void nixieTest()





void loop()
 for (int z=0; z<10; z++)

Edit: One thing I forgot to mention and am not sure if it's relevant, but since my i2c guy has 8 outputs and the k155 only needs 4 inputs I'm only using the first 4 pins on the i2c. As I said, this still works out for an input of 1 leading to an output of 1, etc.

I've also tried writing "16" to the i2c to see if it would write that as low to the first 4 pins and high to the unused 5th to make anything happen, but no luck.

You are getting confused and blaming all the wrong things as a result. Allow us to explain and help.

Let's start with this:

coding for i2c through the Wire.h library is, as far as I understand it, the reverse of binary

No, that's shear nonsense! But I think I know how you came to that conclusion.

Pcf8574's outputs are a little different to Arduino digital outputs. With an Arduino output, you have 4 modes: INPUT, INPUT_PULLUP, OUTPUT/LOW and OUTPUT/HIGH. The same is true for other i2c I/O chips like mcp3208. But pcf8574 has only 2 of those 4: it has INPUT_PULLUP and OUTPUT/LOW.

So when you try to use an output of pcf8574 to light an led, you can't wire the led (plus series resistor, of course) between the pin and ground and send a "1" to the chip. The pin can only source a tiny current and the led will glow dimly at best. So you have to wire the led from 5V to the pin and send a "0" to the chip. Then the led lights brightly. So I think this is where your misconception of "reverse binary" comes from. What you meant was more like "inverted binary" where a "1" turns the led off and a "0" turns it on. But in fact this is perfectly normal and you can do the same with Arduino pins if you wanted to - try it!

Okay. Is that the entire reply?

Explanation of my "shear nonsense": instead of having to take the number you want and convert it to binary, I'm having to take the "binary" result I want, ie 8 different outputs giving binary information, and convert that to a number. for example, if I want every other of my 8 leds to write, have to say "170".

I do understand that the pcf8574 pins connect to ground and how that affects connecting, say, LEDs to it. But I as yet don't see how that leads to every digit except "0" working, or how your post explains that.

it all worked, with a simple loop cycling from 0 through to 9...except for the "0".

But the code you posted does not have a loop, and never writes 0.

Yes, sorry. The iteration of the code I copied is one where I tried 16 instead of 0 to see if the four 0s would read as a 0 by the K155. The loop runs the nixieTest.

Ok, so post code that demonstrates your problem.

Have you tested displaying zero by connecting all 4 inputs of k155 to ground?