"Out of sync"


I have a strange problem with my UNO.

To try to fix it I have bought two new processors.

The first one I bought said "Out of sync" and this while uploading to my original CPU works.

So I went back to the seller and got me a new one.

This one however also says "Out of sync".

But this time I tried all my "20" COM ports without any success.

So I'm stuck with the original one which I can upload programs to but malfuctions when it comes to stability.

I short, it seems like the math part of it is malfunctioning.

This while it does stuff regardless of programmed constraints.

What to do?

Best regards, Roger
The exact red message is:

"avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp = 0x00"

avr=Automatic Voltage Regulation ?

I am unable to help you with your present problem, however the problem you had uploading to the new processors might have been because they lacked the Arduino bootloader.

You mentioned that you have an Uno, could you state which version you have? I might be able to should be able to guide you through uploading the bootloader unto the processors but that depends on which Uno you have and the level of functionality you have with your present processor.

Berthfield, I have the same problem as Rogerk8. Try to download to UNO R3. Message:

Binary sketch size: 5,580 bytes (of a 32,256 byte maximum)
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00


Checked Troubleshooting guide regarding comments above that lack of "bootloader" may be reason for "not in synch" message. Guide states;


Make sure there's a bootloader burned on your Arduino board. To check, reset the board. The built-in L LED (which is connected to pin 13) should blink. If it doesn't, there may not be a bootloader on your board. "

When I press Reset the L LED flash approx 3 time in one second. Then flashes on/off every second. Based on Guide statement It appears that bootloader is present on board.


It sounds like you do have a boot loader.

Can you post a link to where you got the Uno from and what operating system are you on?

Bought Uno from Oddwires.com


Running Windows7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 Bit

Thanks in advance for suggestions.


To help you further I need some more information.

  1. Were you ever able to burn a sketch to your Uno using the present computer?

  2. If the answer to the above is yes, can you detail what was done leading up to the error.

ChilliTronix, decided to break down the program into components and upload each component to see what part of overall program, if any, was causing error.....

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00

Deleted code for everything except what was needed for portion of code I was testing. Did this two times and uploaded remaining code.....uploads were successful. Decided to try original complete program, which included servo code. For whatever reason, it uploaded without error. Have changed programs and uploaded multiple times....works every time. Not sure what changed. Glad it's working, just don't know why.

Is there a reference guide for error codes and messages........

e.g. what does "evrdude" mean. Likewise, what does stk500_getsynch() mean. ETC.......


Berfield, RE: your questions......

  1. Were you ever able to burn a sketch to your Uno using the present computer?

Answer: When you say "burn" do you mean upload....if so, the answer is use. I'm now able to upload the problem sketch, per the last post. Not sure what I did to get it working.

  1. If the answer to the above is yes, can you detail what was done leading up to the error.

Answer: Had downloaded to simpler sketches without issue. Tried to upload a more complicated example sketch from the Website.....that is when error "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00" appeared.

Thank you.

I have now inserted the new CPU.

Turning the power on and trying to upload my latest scetch (uploading that same scetch worked with my former CPU) I get the error message of "Not in sync".

Internal LED (connected to pin 13) immediatelly got lit as I powered it up.

Hitting the Reset-button does not make it blink, it just stays lit.

According to above there is thus no bootloader burned, right?

Thank you for your advise!

Best regards, Roger
I will now try to burn a bootloader into the CPU. I am sceptical of how to do that but will try on my own before I might be back asking questions about it.

There is a problem with Winou then try to upload to a com port with nothing actually connected to it. This leads to not being able to upload.

Go in to device manager from time to time and remove USB to serial ports that are redundant. (As in all of them when no Arduino it connected)

Thank you for your advise!

While I now understand that I more or less need an ISP to program bootloader and that my UNO CPU supplier supplies CPUs without bootloader, I have decided to simply buy a new Arduino UNO R3 instead.

Best regards, Roger
How do I enable e-mail notification? :sunglasses:

I suspect that your board has a bootloader on it....

I suspect you have a com port issue...

How do I enable e-mail notification?

Let the rest of us know when you find the answer to that one.... :sunglasses:

They upgraded the forum late October, we been waiting for them to unbreak a ton of stuff ever since...



Try pressing the reset button

Let the rest of us know when you find the answer to that one.... :sunglasses:

They upgraded the forum late October, we been waiting for them to unbreak a ton of stuff ever since...



Thanks for that comment!

Now I know I'm not that stupid with computer applications as I think I am :slight_smile:

Anyway, here is a video that shows how to take care of the problem with no bootloader.

Looks rather simple actually but it presumes a working CPU...

Best regards, Roger
I got this video from another (swedish) great forum I'm a member of: http://elektronikforumet.com

I suspect that your board has a bootloader on it....

I suspect you have a com port issue...

I think this is a rather strange statement.

I have already told you that I can upload programs to my original UNO CPU.

The "Out of sync"-problem comes when I try to upload programs to a new CPU.

So how can there be a COM port problem?

Best regards, Roger

If you un plug and re plug in a board, sometimes windows attaches it to a different com port.

However, you bought a new CPU.

Did you buy one pre loaded with a bootloader? if so from whom? And what bootloader does it claim to have?