First time programming in Arduino (or any micro-controller) .. using Linux distro .. Manjaro KDE.. Arduino 1.8.3 ...
IC Atmega328P .. on Uno board.
My error message :
Arduino: 1.8.3 (Linux), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"
Sketch uses 710 bytes (2%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes.
Global variables use 9 bytes (0%) of dynamic memory, leaving 2039 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.
avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "/dev/ttyACM0": Permission denied
Problem uploading to board. See for suggestions.
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
code is pretty simple
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
I've two USB ports .. USB2.0 and USB3.0 ... connected the arduino UNO to USB2.0 via cable ... when I connect the board to usb, the power led was on (red) ... and the yellow LED above RX,TX was blinking. Need help
In a terminal, with the board plugged in, enter.
ls -l /dev/ttyACM*, this will show the group that has access to the port.
Example: crw-rw-r-- 1 root dialout ... /dev/ttyACM0, root is owner, dialout is the group with access.
Entering the command, groups, in a terminal will show the groups you belong to.
sudo adduser YourUserName GroupToJoin Will fix things if you need to join a group, logout and login after you run adduser.
this did it for me as i ended up here with same problem as OP. i always forget this set of commands and have this sort of trouble every time i try to hook up a 3d printer to a fresh linux install. I ended up here now from trying to program an Arduino Uno.
Working on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS on an arduino UNO r3 via USB, and this fixed the issue for me.
Thanks Anil!
Here's what I think the fix is doing: chmod is a utility that modifies privileges. What this command is doing is changing privileges for /dev/ttyACM0, the port we're trying to write to the arduino with. We're running chmod a+rw. The "a" signifies that we're in a-mode, which modifies all users, and the "+rw" means we "+" (add) "rw" (read and write permissions).
I had the same problem, I try to load a Blink test program in an generic Arduino UNO with a laptop with Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, but when i change the permissions with the command "sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM0" (the ttyACM0 is the USB port were I had connected the Arduino board) the problem still present. someone know what will be the problem? I try even to change the group for my user, wit the command "sudo usermod -a -G dialout userA".
avrdude: usbdev_open(): WARNING: failed to set configuration 1: Device or resource busy avrdude: WARNING: invalid value for unused bits in fuse "fuse5", should be set to 1 according to datasheet This behaviour is deprecated and will result in an error in future version You probably want to use 0xcd instead of 0xc9 (double check with your datasheet first).
The issue with the permissions for /dev/ttyACM0 can be permanantly solved by adding yourself to the dialout group. You will have to logout and then log back in before the group change is recognized. You can do this with sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
I'm having exactly the same issue. I have done all of the above. I am a member of the "dialout group", but I still get the error message:
"avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "/dev/ttyS0": Permission denied"
I am trying to upload to my 3D printer Mega 2560. I am connecting the Mega from the USB port of my computer. The Mega 2560 is working as I have moved the steppers around and done some calibration as well through the graphics controller. The problem arose after I changed my computer. My operating system is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
In Linux, the Arduino serial port is named /dev/ttyACMx where x starts at 0. If using a clone board, the serial port name may be /dev/ttyUSBx where x starts at 0.
avrdude: Version 6.3, compiled on Jan 17 2017 at 11:00:16
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Brian Dean,
Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Joerg Wunsch
System wide configuration file is "/snap/arduino-mhall119/5/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf"
User configuration file is "/home/doncun/snap/arduino-mhall119/5/.avrduderc"
User configuration file does not exist or is not a regular file, skipping
Using Port : /dev/ttyUSB0
Using Programmer : arduino
Overriding Baud Rate : 115200
avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "/dev/ttyUSB0": Permission denied
Hi Folks,
New here.This page was helpful. Tried the
sudo adduser yourUserName dialout
and the upload worked. But then I got a new error message.
At the IDE program tools>board I missed the right board name.
Changed it and after that it works.
Thank You all.