I have been facing issue in my serial plotter in latest version of Arduino IDE , I'm unnable to plot any
graph in the serial plotter . And also unable to change the baud rate.
I have been facing issue in my serial plotter in latest version of Arduino IDE , I'm unnable to plot any
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Please note the below from your screenshot. It's more than likely the reason why you can't change the baud rate.
Is COM4 indeed the correct port?
Which board are you using?
Does serial monitor show data (if opened)?
I don't use the serial plotter so I'm not sure if I can help further.
2000000 baud? Is that what your Serial.being()
Try this sketch:
void serialPlotter() {
int Data1 = analogRead(A0);
int Data2 = 512;
sorry , and thankyou . Next time I will consider them
Connected COM is 10 .And the baud rate changing option is not selectable to me. But now tried with older versions of arduino IDE that's working.
Your screenshot shows COM4.
As explained, that is more than likely because it's the wrong port. In serial monitor the baud rate selection will not be available when you start the serial monitor with no board connected to the specified COM port.
What is an older version? 1.x or 2.3.2?