Power arduino with reed sensor and ssd1306 lcd

Hi this is my first post and I'm new to microcontrollers so I've started on my first project which is a bike speedometer using a hall sensor and a magnet attached to the bike's wheel. However I don't know if a 9V battery will be sufficient to power the arduino and the ssd1306 .96" lcd and the lm393 reed sensor. I tried using a seperate pico connected to another power source to power the lcd however after a while the reed sensor begins to detect anything as a magnet and the lcd starts fuzzing out and I have no idea why. this also happens on the arduino when I connect the lcd to the 3.3v pin and the reed sensor to the 5v while the arduino is connected to 5v usb port on my pc and even when using a 9v battery the lcd just stops working after a few minutes. I'd reallly appreciate it if anyone could help me out with the problems i'm facing. Thanks

A complete wiring diagram and your complete code would help us analyzing your problem.

SSD1306 displays usually are OLED displays and not LCD.

What type of 9V battery are you using? PP3? Between a PP3 (block battery) and a 9V battery used for electric fences is a factor of more than 50 in capacity. There are many types in-between them.

The SSD1306 library uses quite a huge portion of the available RAM of the UNO as a buffer, so you must take care of using less memory for the rest of the sketch.


What Arduino are you using - Pico?

The specified supply voltage for a Pico is 1.8V - 5.5V - so a 9V battery is definitely not suitable!

See the Datasheet for more details ...


Please also give details of the parts you are using - links to the supplier's product page.

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