programming Atmega32-16PU MCU using Arduino as ISP ?

I need to use this MCU in my project and found no pieces of information about how to programme it using Arduino UNO, can anybody help with this topic?

Thanks in Advance.

You should find everything you need here:

After reading and installing that, if you're still having troubles, come back here with specific questions and exact details of the problem.

Don't forget the decoupling capacitors on the ATmega32's power lines.

JohnVatic's picture:

Here's my setup for programming ATmega32s. (and a bunch of other junk.) (Pay no attention to the fact that it's not an ATmega32 in the board at the moment. The lower left corner is an Arduino Derivative (MDC "Bare Bones Board" that is sort-of my permanent "Arduino as ISP" board. the 4 wires from near the big chip go to pins 10, 11, 12, and 13 as described many places, and the twisted pair goes to power.)

Hope this helps.

Here's my setup for programming ATmega32s. (and a bunch of other junk.) (Pay no attention to the fact that it's not an ATmega32 in the board at the moment. The lower left corner is an Arduino Derivative (MDC "Bare Bones Board" that is sort-of my permanent "Arduino as ISP" board. the 4 wires from near the big chip go to pins 10, 11, 12, and 13 as described many places, and the twisted pair goes to power.)

Hope this helps.

I will try this, hope it works
but your posted image is not visible.
thanks for your valuable feedback.

You should find everything you need here:
GitHub - MCUdude/MightyCore: Arduino hardware package for ATmega1284, ATmega644, ATmega324, ATmega324PB, ATmega164, ATmega32, ATmega16 and ATmega8535
After reading and installing that, if you're still having troubles, come back here with specific questions and exact details of the problem.

Don't forget the decoupling capacitors on the ATmega32's power lines.

I am currently using MightyCore
I've selected atmega32 from the boards' menu with 8Mhz internal clock speed and using Arduino as ISP avrdude gives a signature error,

I will pay attention to the decoupling capacitor and try again.

Thank you