Proposal: Rename "Software" category to "Development Tools"

This is one of the incremental changes implementing the English language category restructuring discussed in general at:

The specific changes being proposed can be seen here. They consist of:

  • Change the category's name from "Software" to "Development Tools"
  • Change category "slug" (cosmetic text in category page URL) to development-tools
  • Define the category description in the "About the Development Tools category" topic:

    Discussion about software tools used for development and deployment of Arduino projects.

In the world of embedded systems development, the term "software" might be used to refer to several distinct things. Although an experienced forum user might be able to infer from the subcategories that the software referred to by the "Software" category name is the applications used for development and deployment of Arduino projects rather than the software/firmware that make up the projects themselves, such an inference should not be required and the ambiguity may make it difficult for a less experienced user to understand the scope of the category and its subcategories.

The name "Development Tools" is more explicit while also remaining reasonably concise. A category description is added in the "About the Development Tools category" post (which has a special technical treatment by the forum software) in order to even more clearly define the scope of the category.

Impact on Links

The name change will not break any links.

Links to Category and Subcategory Pages

Although the forum software adds a cosmetic text "slug" to the category page URL, the only technically significant part of the URL is the ID (e.g., 164). Even though the "slug" text will be changed as part of the renaming, the previous links will still lead to the category page as always.

Links to Topics and Posts

Topic and post URLs are not category dependent so there is no impact on links to any topics or posts under the renamed category.

This might not belong here but I would like to suggest that the "new" IDE 1.x category will immediately be integrated in Development Tools.

You're proposing incremental changes and I do not have a problem with that. But we have no overview what every change will be. Would it be possible to give an overview of all changes step-by-step as you visualise them or have them on paper?

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This was the purpose of Restructuring forum categories

As for the exact changes for the specific proposal discussed here in this topic, I provided a link to them:

Maybe I misunderstand, maybe you misunderstand.

The restructuring has never mentioned, as far as I remember, the steps that are being taken to get to the end result described in the "restructuring" topic. You have a reply at the end of that topic that gives the proposals that you now have suggested for IDE 1.x and Development Tools. What I would like to see is the full list of every proposal that you have in mind and the sequence in which you want to implement them.

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