Proposal: Rename "Installation & Troubleshooting" category to "IDE 1.x"

This is one of the incremental changes implementing the English language category restructuring discussed in general at:

The specific changes being proposed can be seen here. They consist of:

The previous name of this category was very ambiguous. It could be interpreted by the user to be the appropriate category for requesting assistance with solving problems with their project, even though we have categories specifically dedicated to that purpose.

Based on the use of the term "Installation" and the original description:

For problems with Arduino itself, NOT your project

the forum maintainers have interpreted the purpose of the category to be discussion related to Arduino IDE (which is sometimes referred to as "Arduino").

The maintainers have restricted the use of the category to that subject matter for years and the current category description clearly explains the scope. However, a disproportionate number of miscategorized topics are still created in the category. The previous ambiguous category name is likely a significant factor in this misuse.

Naming Considerations

We now have a dedicated category for discussion of Arduino IDE 2.x, so it is necessary to specify that this category is only for Arduino IDE 1.x-related discussion.

The naming follows the established convention of dropping the "Arduino" from the software product name from the category where that is implicit (e.g., "Web Editor", "IoT Cloud", "PLC IDE").

Impact on Links

The name change will not break any links.

Links to Category Page

Although the forum software adds a cosmetic text "slug" to the category page URL, the only technically significant part of the URL is the ID (18). Even though the "slug" will be changed as part of the renaming, the previous links will still lead to the category page as always.

Links to Topics and Posts


Topic and post URLs are not category dependent so there is no impact on links to any topics or posts under the renamed category.

Renamed "About" topic

Although the forum software adds a cosmetic text "slug" based on the topic title to the topic URL, the only technically significant part of the URL is the ID (847458). Even though the "slug" will be changed as part of the renaming, the previous links will still lead to the topic as always.


I think that nearly everybody will be in favour of this. I will definitely give it a :+1:

The description on the staging forum is

Maybe add that upload problems should go to the "avrdude, ..." section. Or rename that category as well.

Whilst I agree with the proposal to change the name and description, experience with the Uncategorised category shows that a proportion of users either take no notice of the description or, if they do, they just don't care

Having said that, all we can do is try the change so it has my support

There is one difference between the live forum and the staging forum. The page of a category in the staging environment has the first paragraph of the category's description in the header. E.g.

See also post #2 in

I am interested in improvements to the category description but in this case where the existing description was reasonably appropriate even after the change to the category name, I would prefer to make the significant change to the description separately.

The reason I prefer this more "atomic" approach is that bundling multiple changes together risks inadvertently introducing a "poison pill" change that would delay the implementation of the non-controversial changes in addition to the unnecessarily bundled controversial change due to the need for a lot of discussion and adjustment of the controversial change to resolve the concerns of collaborators/interested parties.

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The category has now been renamed.

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