Reading a Rotary Encoder on an Arduino Nano

So I'm following this tutorial to test a rotary encoder, as I am a complete newbie, but have an idea for it for a future project, and am just trying to get familiar with the concept.

Using the following code:

  Rotary Encoder Demo
  Demonstrates operation of Rotary Encoder
  Displays results on Serial Monitor
  DroneBot Workshop 2019
 // Rotary Encoder Inputs
 #define inputCLK 4
 #define inputDT 5
 // LED Outputs
 #define ledCW 8
 #define ledCCW 9
 int counter = 0; 
 int currentStateCLK;
 int previousStateCLK; 
 String encdir ="";
 void setup() { 
   // Set encoder pins as inputs  
   pinMode (inputCLK,INPUT);
   pinMode (inputDT,INPUT);
   // Set LED pins as outputs
   pinMode (ledCW,OUTPUT);
   pinMode (ledCCW,OUTPUT);
   // Setup Serial Monitor
   Serial.begin (9600);
   // Read the initial state of inputCLK
   // Assign to previousStateCLK variable
   previousStateCLK = digitalRead(inputCLK);
 void loop() { 
  // Read the current state of inputCLK
   currentStateCLK = digitalRead(inputCLK);
   // If the previous and the current state of the inputCLK are different then a pulse has occured
   if (currentStateCLK != previousStateCLK){ 
     // If the inputDT state is different than the inputCLK state then 
     // the encoder is rotating counterclockwise
     if (digitalRead(inputDT) != currentStateCLK) { 
       counter --;
       encdir ="CCW";
       digitalWrite(ledCW, LOW);
       digitalWrite(ledCCW, HIGH);
     } else {
       // Encoder is rotating clockwise
       counter ++;
       encdir ="CW";
       digitalWrite(ledCW, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(ledCCW, LOW);
     Serial.print("Direction: ");
     Serial.print(" -- Value: ");
   // Update previousStateCLK with the current state
   previousStateCLK = currentStateCLK; 

It works perfectly fine, as expected when running it on an Arduino Uno. Hooray, meeting expectations! However, my future project calls for a smaller form factor, so I try it on an Arduino Nano, with all the same breadboard setup and same hardware. However, the encoder does not function whatsoever, and the serial monitor outputs the following ad infintium:

22:52:12.077 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.111 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.145 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.179 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.212 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.212 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.247 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.280 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.313 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.348 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.382 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.416 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.450 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.450 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.484 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.518 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.552 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.586 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.620 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.655 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.688 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.688 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.721 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.755 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.789 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.822 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.857 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.857 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.891 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.891 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.924 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1
22:52:12.958 -> Direction: CW -- Value: 0
22:52:12.993 -> Direction: CCW -- Value: -1

Not hooray! It's just immediately flipping back and forth between values, and turning the rotary encoder does nothing! The code is exactly the same between the two boards, I remembered to change the board model in the IDE, and I have all the connectors plugged into the appropriate ports. I can't for the life of me figure this one out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

How is the encoder wired?

CLK to digital port 4, DT to digital port 5, V+ to the 5v power supply, and GND to GND on the digital side of the board (not sure if that makes a difference)

Some thoughts.

Are you sure you've got it connected to the right pins?

Does the encoder need pull-up resistors? Try setting your inputs to input pull-up.