RFID data to JSON

I need to build an attendance and automatic door with RFID. I am using Arduino UNO and ESP8266 . I can build the project with writing the authorised cards by hand. But I want to create a server and database which is sql. And I want to read the card's id and than check the database it is authorised or not. Can I do this by JSON, if yes how ? Or do you have any ideas ır suggestions?


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It will help you get the best out of the forum in the future.

Your OS and version can be valuable information, please include it along with extra security you are using.

Always list the version of the IDE you are using and the board version if applicable.

Use quote or add error messages as an attachment NOT a picture.

How to insert an image into your post. ( Thanks @sterretje )

Add your sketch where applicable but please use CODE TAGS ( </> )

Add a SCHEMATIC were needed even if it is hand drawn

Add working links to any specific hardware as needed (NOT links to similar items)

Remember that the people trying to help cannot see your problem so give as much information as you can


Ensure you have FULLY inserted the USB cables.

Check you have a COMMON GROUND where required. ( Thanks @Perry)

Where possible use USB 2.0 ports or a USB 2.0 POWERED HUB to rule out USB 3.0 issues.

Try other computers where possible.

Try other USB leads where possible.

You may not have the correct driver installed. CH340/341 or CP2102 or FT232 VCP Drivers - FTDI

There may be a problem with the board check or remove your wiring first.

Remove any items connected to pins 0 and 1.


Close any other serial programs before opening the IDE.

Ensure you turn off any additional security / antivirus just to test.

There may be a problem with the PC try RESTARTING it.

You may be selecting the wrong COM port.

Avoid cloud/network based installations where possible OR ensure your Network/Cloud software is RUNNING.

Clear your browsers CACHE.

Close the IDE before using any other serial programs.

Preferably install IDE’s as ADMINISTRATOR or your OS equivalent


CH340/341 based clones do not report useful information to the “get board info” button.

NANO (Old Types) some require you to use the OLD BOOTLOADER option.

NANO (ALL Types) See the specific sections lower in the forum.

NANO (NEW Types) Install your board CORE’s.

Unless using EXTERNAL PROGRAMMERS please leave the IDE selection at default “AVRISP mkII”.

Boards using a MICRO usb connector need a cable that is both DATA and CHARGE. Many are CHARGE ONLY.

CREATE editor install locations.

On macOs ~/Applications/ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1/ArduinoCreateAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/config.ini

On Linux ~/ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1/config.ini

On Windows C:\Users[your user]\AppData\Roaming\ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1

Performing the above actions may help resolve your problem without further help.
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Try a language closer to your native language:

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Thanks to all those who helped and added to this list.

Greetings to everyone, I get stuck at a few points in my project that I am planning to do and even moving forward and I need your help. I would be very happy if you could help me with the sample codes, explaining it step by step and showing the source.
I have an entrance and exit door project that works with the Rfid card system. I prepared the local version of this project. In other words, I can make the cards that I write in the code I have determined open the door, so that the others cannot open the door. I can show this visually with the buzzer, lcd screen and leds. But it is very difficult and skillful to insert the card I can give to newcomers to open the door every time and to process it in the code. So I want it to read this data from a database using esp8266. For example, I want to inquire whether there is a new person in the database where I will define a new person and a card, and on the internet with arduino esp8266, but I do not know how to do it. Other than that, if the internet goes out, I want the cards inside the sd card to open the door by using the sd card and reader. If you can help me on this subject, I would be very happy.

Yes, we can probably help. What part do you need help with? Everyone wants free custom code for their project, but that will require MUCH time and effort. Paying for custom code is the best way to go.

The proper title for this thread - you can correct it in your first post - is "RFID access control". Putting "HELP" and especially in all capitals is simply nonsense and annoys otherwise helpful people who may even decide it is not worth answering.

An ESP8266 is a good choice for this, particularly as it like the MFRC822 module, uses 3.3 V logic and you do not need to perform logic level conversion.

I am using MySQL or MsSQL . But the problem is , how can I read the values in that database and implemented into my code. The other part is the sd card part , how can I read the raid card id's in sd card.


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Please do NOT cross post / duplicate as it wastes peoples time and efforts to have more than one post for a single topic.

Continued cross posting could result in a time out from the forum.

Could you also take a few moments to Learn How To Use The Forum.

Could you take a few moments to Learn How To Use The Forum

It will help you get the best out of the forum in the future.

  • Your OS and version can be valuable information, please include it along with extra security you are using.
  • Always list the version of the IDE you are using and the board version if applicable.
  • Use quote or add error messages as an attachment NOT a picture.
  • How to insert an image into your post. ( Thanks @sterretje )
  • Add your sketch where applicable but please use CODE TAGS ( </> )
  • Add a SCHEMATIC were needed even if it is hand drawn
  • Add working links to any specific hardware as needed (NOT links to similar items)
  • Remember that the people trying to help cannot see your problem so give as much information as you can


  • Ensure you have FULLY inserted the USB cables.
  • Check you have a COMMON GROUND where required. ( Thanks @Perry)
  • Where possible use USB 2.0 ports or a USB 2.0 POWERED HUB to rule out USB 3.0 issues.
  • Try other computers where possible.
  • Try other USB leads where possible.
  • You may not have the correct driver installed. CH340/341 or CP2102 or FT232 VCP Drivers - FTDI
  • There may be a problem with the board check or remove your wiring first.
  • Remove any items connected to pins 0 and 1.


  • Close any other serial programs before opening the IDE.
  • Ensure you turn off any additional security / antivirus just to test.
  • There may be a problem with the PC try RESTARTING it.
  • You may be selecting the wrong COM port.
  • Avoid cloud/network based installations where possible OR ensure your Network/Cloud software is RUNNING.
  • Clear your browsers CACHE.
  • Close the IDE before using any other serial programs.
  • Preferably install IDE’s as ADMINISTRATOR or your OS equivalent


  • CH340/341 based clones do not report useful information to the “get board info” button.
  • NANO (Old Types) some require you to use the OLD BOOTLOADER option.
  • NANO (ALL Types) See the specific sections lower in the forum.
  • NANO (NEW Types) Install your board CORE’s.
  • Unless using EXTERNAL PROGRAMMERS please leave the IDE selection at default “AVRISP mkII”.
  • Boards using a MICRO usb connector need a cable that is both DATA and CHARGE. Many are CHARGE ONLY.

CREATE editor install locations.

  • On macOs ~/Applications/ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1/ArduinoCreateAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/config.ini
  • On Linux ~/ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1/config.ini
  • On Windows C:\Users[your user]\AppData\Roaming\ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1

Performing the above actions may help resolve your problem without further help.
Language problem ?
Try a language closer to your native language:

Thanks to all those who helped and added to this list.

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