Samsung S6A0069 with arduino nano

Hi all!

I'm trying to revive an old weight scale from my university lab.

It has a PHICO D-0 94V-0 16x1 (or 8x2?) LCD with this samsung controller which is supposed to be compatible with the LiquidCristal libraries. I an trying to use that because it would be awesome - and i don't have any other LCD.

I've tried to setup the thing with the datasheet: Datasheet


And this is the sketch

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// initialize the library with
// the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

void setup() {
// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
lcd.begin(16, 2);
// Print a message to the LCD.
lcd.print("hello, world!");

void loop() {
// set the cursor to column 0, line 1
// (note: line 1 is the second row,
// since counting begins with 0):
// lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
// print the number of seconds since reset:
// lcd.print(millis()/1000);

I've tracked the connector to the chip with my multimeter and it's supposed to be like that:

3 V5 (there are also V0 to V4 but not connected)
4 RS
5 R/W
6 E
7 DB0
8 DB1
9 DB2
10 DB3
11 DB4
12 DB5
13 DB6
14 DB7

(it's visible in one pic)

Nothing shows up, not a light, not even a sign. How do i test if it is alive or maybe it's completely death?
In the LCD VDD pin i can read 4,7V, not 5.
In the sketch i've declared lcd with pins from 5 to 10 (d2 to d7) and should be fine.. but not sure.
It's the cable too long?? The soldering should be ok, i can test the continuity with multimeter directly from the chip to the arduino..
V5 has been tested either disconnected or connected to 5v.
This is the arduino 128 version.

I'm going little crazy! Any help appreciated. Thanks for your time!
Greetings from Italy.

3 V5 (there are also V0 to V4 but not connected)
4 RS   D2 white-blue
5 R/W  GND white-red
6 E    D3 white-green
7 DB0
8 DB1
9 DB2
10 DB3
11 DB4  D4 brown
12 DB5  D5 green
13 DB6  D6 blue
14 DB7  D7 green

and your constructor would be:

//LiquidCrystal(rs, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7)
LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);


At first, nothing. But going by your suggestion, the magic happens!

V5 pin must be connected to GND also.

Thanks very much!

Your contrast looks pretty good with pin#3 connected straight to GND.
Experiment with different resistors e.g. 470R, 390R, 330R, ... instead of your 0R (straight wire) to GND
This should get the optimum contrast.

The moral of the story is:

  1. write a table for your wiring scheme. with each wire colour.
  2. paste the constructor line.
  3. post photos of the Arduino and the external board so that readers can check your wiring scheme.


Mind you, I would have thought the working scales to be more useful! :grinning:

(Noted the popularity and often elevated prices of small-weight scales up to 50 g or so. Apparently there are surprisingly common uses for these in the general community. :roll_eyes: )

Your contrast looks pretty good with pin#3 connected straight to GND.
Experiment with different resistors e.g. 470R, 390R, 330R, ... instead of your 0R (straight wire) to GND
This should get the optimum contrast.

The moral of the story is:

  1. write a table for your wiring scheme. with each wire colour.
  2. paste the constructor line.
  3. post photos of the Arduino and the external board so that readers can check your wiring scheme.


That photos were a bit not good :'D but fortunately you have a good eye.

Mind you, I would have thought the working scales to be more useful! :grinning:

(Noted the popularity and often elevated prices of small-weight scales up to 50 g or so. Apparently there are surprisingly common uses for these in the general community. :roll_eyes: )

Yes, definitely i'm going to wire an HX711 onto that scale (its chip is somehow dead) and will use that beautiful , accurate sensor (810g max d=0,01g) but as a chemist.. i'm willing not to profane it :grinning:
Its new siblings (kern 572) are worth something around 600€!
I've picked this baby in my university (and not only that), they trash a lot of things with useful parts. To me it's worth to check :slight_smile:

I only wish I was there when they were throwing out the PDP-8!