Soldering wires on speaker terminals

Question: What is the best way to connect these wires to the irons of the speakers?
I remember that in the past I already tried to solder such wires on such metals and the solder did not catch on the metal...

Use solder with a flux core, and/or polish the terminals before soldering.

Scrape or sandpaper the metal clean before soldering.

Soldering seems to be the obvious way

Use a lead based solder, extra flux, clean the terminals thoroughly, tin the wires, use a large soldering iron bit and set the temperature of the soldering iron above what you would normally use to solder components on a PCB, perhaps 400 degrees

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You can use a Quick Disconnect. They come in a couple of different standard sizes.

Normally they are crimped and for that you'd need a crimping tool. But there are un-insulated versions that you can solder or you can cut-off the insulation, and then optionally heatshrink.

Normally you CAN solder to a speaker terminal so i don't know what's different about yours.

What exactly do I need to scratch there?
Just sanding with sandpaper?
Is such a soldering material not good?

I wouldn't apply heat to those dupont connectors though.

Worth a try, but you need a fairly high wattage soldering pencil to heat the speaker terminals properly. A pencil tip for PCB work might not be enough.

I have no reason to believe that the pictured solder would not work.

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I must admit that I hadn't considered the possibility that someone would be silly enough to solder male Dupont pins to a speaker. Let's hope not

What do you suggest I use female? lol
Or wait a month for it

to arrive from AliExpress? Is it smarter in your opinion?
A strange man

The metal tags, around the place you have your pins pushed in. Yes, sandpaper, or scratch with the end of a small screwdriver blade or similar.

Thank you!
There are helpful people here and there are a little less, you seem to be one of the helpful ones..

I may or may not be speaking from experiences in my past. :point_right: :point_left:

I suggest you cut the DuPont connectors off and just solder the bare wires. Or use a separate piece of bare wire but Iā€™m guessing your want to plug the other end into a breadboard or some other source.

Reading the subsequent replies I'm beginning to think I misunderstood. I've had problems soldering tags like the ones on the speaker and the problems were easily solved by cleaning the tags in the way I suggested. I'd not considered that you wanted to solder the pins on. If you really want to solder the pins on then clean those in the same way, but bare wire would be better.

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:call_me_hand: :call_me_hand:

Really thinking I'll cut the pins and solder the wires themselves

Then tin the ends of the wires before you solder them into the tags. Helps if you also tin the tags too.

Hopefully the wire is not aluminum.

Which is not a good place to start from!

I am most certainly speaking from experiences in my past.     :laughing:

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