[SOLVED] Arduino bootloader killed atmega 328p

hello all
I connected ATmega328p right to the USBtinyISP V2.0 as it shown below in attachments.
Then I checked the connection with avrdude through cmd. The connection between PC and the chip was OK.
I opened Arduino with blink LED example and set Programmer to USBtinyISP, Microcontroller to ATmega328p.
When I hit "Burn bootloader" Arduino said "Double check connections".
I tried to check the connection with avrdude through cmd prompt but the chip was dead. What was wrong?

Had I click on upload programmer instead of burn bootloader?

Which bootloader, specifically, did you select?

You have no oscillator on that board. You may need a crystal or ceramic resonator for it to work.

A blank Atmega328 from the factory have the fuses set, so it usesthe internal 8 MHz oscillator. When you burn bootloader, the fuses are set for an external crystal/resonator. If this is not present, the chip is indeed "dead" and you cannot communicate with it. Fit a 16 MHz ceramic oscillator and you will be able to use it again.

// Per.

Thx, I found this tutorial http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoToBreadboard about oscillator. But what if I'll try "Upload Programmer" button. What is this button for?

Thx, I found this tutorial http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoToBreadboard about oscillator. But what if I'll try "Upload Programmer" button. What is this button for?

If the fuses is set for using an oscillator, and you as missing that, "upload using programmer" won't work.

// Per.

Ok, I think I must to connect the 16MHz oscillator to my board in order to raise it from the dead. And then I will set the fuses for using 8 MHz internal oscillator such as I could remove 16 MHz oscillator, right?

Ok, I think I must to connect the 16MHz oscillator to my board in order to raise it from the dead. And then I will set the fuses for using 8 MHz internal oscillator such as I could remove 16 MHz oscillator, right?

If you want to use the internal oscillator, yes. In that case, set the board for a Lilypad, and "flash bootloader" -then the fuses are set for 8 MHz internal osc.

// Per.

I tried to create a new board "ATmega328 on a breadboard (8 MHz internal clock)".
I copied the file below to "C:\Users\Dereck\Documents\Arduino\hardware\Breadboard\boards.txt"
"C:\Users\Dereck\Documents\Arduino" is a sketchbook folder.


atmega328bb.name=ATmega328 on a breadboard (8 MHz internal clock)




Then I restarted my PC.

There are two points:

  1. Is this line right "atmega328bb.upload.protocol=USBtinyISP" ? (Because I use USBtinyISP V2.0)
  2. I don't see this custom board in Tools > Board dialog and accordingly I can't use it. What's wrong with it?

Resource http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoToBreadboard

Do I need to add the code of new board to the end of this file C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\boards.txt right?

Thank you all. Everything works perfectly. Problem solved!
I did everything like it said there http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoToBreadboard

Great :stuck_out_tongue:

// Per.