SparkFun SD-Card (3,3V) connection with Arduino Mega


I tried to connect a "SparkFun SD card shield" (for 3.3V) SparkFun microSD Transflash... kaufen bei BerryBase
to the Arduino Mega (for testing purposes) and later to the Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V. I used the pins for the Arduino Mega: 50: DO (MISO) , 51: DI (MOSI) , 53: CS (ChipSelect), 52: SCK. VCC is 3.3 V and GND. I opened the test file "CardInfo" in the Arduino IDE and set the CS pin to 53. But I get an error message "My SD card is not recognized". I used an "Intenso UHS-I 16GB" (SDHC).

This is the text of the Seriell Monitor:

This is the Code:
CardInfo.ino (3,6 KB)

In theory, connecting the card reader direct to a 5V Arduino could have damaged it.

Try a much smaller SD card like 1 or 2GB or even less.

PS. Please don't post images of the serial monitor as images, or anything that is only text. Copy the text and paste it into your post between code tags.

Also, don't attach code as .ino files. Many forum members read the forum on smartphones and tablets and can't open .ino files. So for the best chance of getting help quickly, paste your code into your post between code tags.

I haven't even managed yet to open ino files on my cell phone :frowning: On the other hand, I also haven't really tried; maybe OP can teach me :slight_smile:

Dunno why I said zip files, I meant to say .ino files!

When connecting 5V and 3.3V devices, you MUST use level shifters for logic signals, like this one:

Better: use a 3.3V Arduino, or an Arduino with built in SD card.

or a SD Shield.

All these SD cards need DOS FAT 8.3 file structure. Extended FAT and other versions are not supported.
I use THESE 32Gb microSD's without issue but they're 5v0's

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