This app can't run on your PC

Good day to all

I have been working on a project for a few days. Today I upload program to my three ESP32s. (one at a time). I do the first one in the IDE, then copy the command and run it in CMD window. I got an Access error. so i retried in the IDE. Then out of nowhere i get a windows error "This app can't run on your PC". I have had this happen before IDE ver 1.X. The esptool.exe will not run. Looking at the EXE the size is zero. easy fix i just copy the file over the old one and it works.

So just wondering if someone knows why, or if it's happened to others.

Thanks for your time.

You may have mistyped some command line input. If you had an exact log of your entries then it might be possible to reproduce the errors.

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Not with the IDE but yes, I have done what @DrDiettrich said.

DrDiettrich, I copied the line from the output of the project. Opened 'command prompt' [admin] and pasted it. this is what i got.

the file size of 'esptool.exe' was zero bytes. Just don't know how this can happen. I do have a gift at finding weird things.

We should know what you did before, to resize esptool.exe.

People like you are welcome in software QC departments. We had such a guy at our institute, and as a final test we gave him a phone call and very often our program crashed immediately.

I will try to reproduce.

thank you

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