Using Raspberry Pi Pico with Arduino IDE

i tried to programm the rp pico using the arduino ide. For that i downloaded the libary by earlephilhower and the libary from Arduino. Everybody (that i read of) says it worked istantly for them using this two libaries. And the basic work (setting the value of pins, comunicating via serial port) but as soon as i use a libary... nope! ssd1306? no! dht sensors? no!
i really dont want to learn micropython and there are so much less tutorials out there for micropython and the rp pico. pls help

fanks :slight_smile:

A Pi Pico can definitely be programmed from the arduino IDE (it can also be C/C++ programmed using a C toolchain involving make which is quite laborious to install (on Linux anyway) and which Rasp Pi explains in various tutorial pdfs).

I think for programming an rp2040 (Pico's chip) from the arduino IDE the earlephilhower stuff needs installing as a "core" rather than "library"?

I have done it before and made it work, though noted serial comms from the pico were somewhat unreliable when doing it this way as versus the official Pi tutorial on their C toolchain, but it was on a different computer which I'm not at right now, so can't recall exactly how I installed it.

Don't worry, you don't have to brave the horrors of micropython (an interpreted language for use on microcontrollers is just wrong in every way, python is great for use on a full computer where you want to make a GUI or handle data, stats, graphing and machine learning libraries, but not for use on a small device which is supposed to run on its own), there are easy ways to program it from C/C++, hopefully someone who rememebrs exactly how they achieved it will comment here soon.

P.S. Try


as tutorial for use of the arduino IDE with the Pico, although these might be what you tried already and failed with.

There are also these, from the Raspberry Pi Foundation about their C/C++ toolchain for programming it

I can sympathise (having been where you are now).

The issue with adding non-Arduino boards/controllers to the IDE is that it takes time for the powers that be to adapt a library to a new architecture.

I have found two solutions:

  1. for any given library, adapt it yourself. You may find that there are only a few changes needed.
  2. point to a Github repository, etc. of a specific library that you need and post a message on this forum asking for help.

Of course, Google is your friend: you might find someone has already adapted a library you are interested in and are hosting it on another site.

Raspberry Pico support package by Earle Philhower allows you to program the board in Arduino IDE just like any other Arduino. If you're having problems, it sounds like you're doing something wrong.

Please explain in detail what did you install and how you done it.
Also show the code that you tried to run.

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