See photos.
I struggle to understand wich pins from hx771 (sparkfun) I can connect to Wemos board.
I get error when uploading sample code, check sensor cabling.
I have tried D3+D4, no luck. Also D2 + D3.
1 can it be wrong pins, input is analog volt
2 can it be wrong volt.
3 hx771 operate at 5v
4 can gpio(?) be differnt, previos i used port 4 in stead of D3, and 0 for D2.
Arduino library for HX711 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter for Weight Scales
Olav Kallhovd sept2017
This example file shows how to calibrate the load cell and optionally store the calibration
value in EEPROM, and also how to change the value manually.
The result value can then later be included in your project sketch or fetched from EEPROM.
To implement calibration in your project sketch the simplified procedure is as follow:
//place known mass
float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass);
#include <HX711_ADC.h>
//#include <HX711_ADC.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32) || defined(AVR)
#include <EEPROM.h>
// virker hx gul til esp orange
const int HX711_dout = D3; //mcu > HX711 dout pin 4 dat orange (4 virker på feil esp board)
const int HX711_sck = D4; //mcu > HX711 sck pin 2 CLK gul ( 0 virker..................)
//HX711 constructor:
HX711_ADC LoadCell(HX711_dout, HX711_sck);
const int calVal_eepromAdress = 0;
unsigned long t = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(57600); delay(10);
//LoadCell.setReverseOutput(); //uncomment to turn a negative output value to positive
unsigned long stabilizingtime = 2000; // preciscion right after power-up can be improved by adding a few seconds of stabilizing time
boolean _tare = true; //set this to false if you don't want tare to be performed in the next step
LoadCell.start(stabilizingtime, _tare);
if (LoadCell.getTareTimeoutFlag() || LoadCell.getSignalTimeoutFlag()) {
Serial.println("Timeout, check MCU>HX711 wiring and pin designations");
while (1);
else {
LoadCell.setCalFactor(1.0); // user set calibration value (float), initial value 1.0 may be used for this sketch
Serial.println("Startup is complete");
while (!LoadCell.update());
calibrate(); //start calibration procedure
void loop() {
static boolean newDataReady = 0;
const int serialPrintInterval = 0; //increase value to slow down serial print activity
// check for new data/start next conversion:
if (LoadCell.update()) newDataReady = true;
// get smoothed value from the dataset:
if (newDataReady) {
if (millis() > t + serialPrintInterval) {
float i = LoadCell.getData();
Serial.print("Load_cell output val: ");
newDataReady = 0;
t = millis();
// receive command from serial terminal
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay(); //tare
else if (inByte == 'r') calibrate(); //calibrate
else if (inByte == 'c') changeSavedCalFactor(); //edit calibration value manually
// check if last tare operation is complete
if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
Serial.println("Tare complete");
void calibrate() {
Serial.println("Start calibration:");
Serial.println("Place the load cell an a level stable surface.");
Serial.println("Remove any load applied to the load cell.");
Serial.println("Send 't' from serial monitor to set the tare offset.");
boolean _resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay();
if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
Serial.println("Tare complete");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("Now, place your known mass on the loadcell.");
Serial.println("Then send the weight of this mass (i.e. 100.0) from serial monitor.");
float known_mass = 0;
_resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
known_mass = Serial.parseFloat();
if (known_mass != 0) {
Serial.print("Known mass is: ");
_resume = true;
LoadCell.refreshDataSet(); //refresh the dataset to be sure that the known mass is measured correct
float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass); //get the new calibration value
Serial.print("New calibration value has been set to: ");
Serial.println(", use this as calibration value (calFactor) in your project sketch.");
Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
Serial.println("? y/n");
_resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
Serial.print("Value ");
Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
_resume = true;
else if (inByte == 'n') {
Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("End calibration");
Serial.println("To re-calibrate, send 'r' from serial monitor.");
Serial.println("For manual edit of the calibration value, send 'c' from serial monitor.");
void changeSavedCalFactor() {
float oldCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getCalFactor();
boolean _resume = false;
Serial.print("Current value is: ");
Serial.println("Now, send the new value from serial monitor, i.e. 696.0");
float newCalibrationValue;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
newCalibrationValue = Serial.parseFloat();
if (newCalibrationValue != 0) {
Serial.print("New calibration value is: ");
_resume = true;
_resume = false;
Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
Serial.println("? y/n");
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
Serial.print("Value ");
Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
_resume = true;
else if (inByte == 'n') {
Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("End change calibration value");
Your topic was MOVED to its current forum category as it is more suitable than the original
1 Like
VDD needs to be connected to something.... 3.3v:
Hi DaveEvans
Thanks for help
I did connect 3,3 from ESP til hx711 VDD, dont seems to help
Is there some mix with ports I use?
I did re-solder to following pins
DAT from hx711 til D2
CLK fromhx711 to D3
Output from serial after upload
Start calibration:
Place the load cell an a level stable surface.
Remove any load applied to the load cell.
Send 't' from serial monitor to set the tare offset.
I send t
Tare complete
Now, place your known mass on the loadcell.
Then send the weight of this mass (i.e. 100.0) from serial monitor.
I add known weigth
Load_cell output val: nan
Load_cell output val: nan
Load_cell output val: nan
Updated sketch:
type or paste code here
Arduino library for HX711 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter for Weight Scales
Olav Kallhovd sept2017
This example file shows how to calibrate the load cell and optionally store the calibration
value in EEPROM, and also how to change the value manually.
The result value can then later be included in your project sketch or fetched from EEPROM.
To implement calibration in your project sketch the simplified procedure is as follow:
//place known mass
float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass);
#include <HX711_ADC.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32) || defined(AVR)
#include <EEPROM.h>
const int HX711_dout = 2; //mcu > HX711 dout pin
const int HX711_sck = 3; //mcu > HX711 sck pin
//HX711 constructor:
HX711_ADC LoadCell(HX711_dout, HX711_sck);
const int calVal_eepromAdress = 0;
unsigned long t = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(57600); delay(10);
//LoadCell.setReverseOutput(); //uncomment to turn a negative output value to positive
unsigned long stabilizingtime = 2000; // preciscion right after power-up can be improved by adding a few seconds of stabilizing time
boolean _tare = true; //set this to false if you don't want tare to be performed in the next step
LoadCell.start(stabilizingtime, _tare);
if (LoadCell.getTareTimeoutFlag() || LoadCell.getSignalTimeoutFlag()) {
Serial.println("Timeout, check MCU>HX711 wiring and pin designations");
while (1);
else {
LoadCell.setCalFactor(1.0); // user set calibration value (float), initial value 1.0 may be used for this sketch
Serial.println("Startup is complete");
while (!LoadCell.update());
calibrate(); //start calibration procedure
void loop() {
static boolean newDataReady = 0;
const int serialPrintInterval = 0; //increase value to slow down serial print activity
// check for new data/start next conversion:
if (LoadCell.update()) newDataReady = true;
// get smoothed value from the dataset:
if (newDataReady) {
if (millis() > t + serialPrintInterval) {
float i = LoadCell.getData();
Serial.print("Load_cell output val: ");
newDataReady = 0;
t = millis();
// receive command from serial terminal
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay(); //tare
else if (inByte == 'r') calibrate(); //calibrate
else if (inByte == 'c') changeSavedCalFactor(); //edit calibration value manually
// check if last tare operation is complete
if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
Serial.println("Tare complete");
void calibrate() {
Serial.println("Start calibration:");
Serial.println("Place the load cell an a level stable surface.");
Serial.println("Remove any load applied to the load cell.");
Serial.println("Send 't' from serial monitor to set the tare offset.");
boolean _resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay();
if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
Serial.println("Tare complete");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("Now, place your known mass on the loadcell.");
Serial.println("Then send the weight of this mass (i.e. 100.0) from serial monitor.");
float known_mass = 0;
_resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
known_mass = Serial.parseFloat();
if (known_mass != 0) {
Serial.print("Known mass is: ");
_resume = true;
LoadCell.refreshDataSet(); //refresh the dataset to be sure that the known mass is measured correct
float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass); //get the new calibration value
Serial.print("New calibration value has been set to: ");
Serial.println(", use this as calibration value (calFactor) in your project sketch.");
Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
Serial.println("? y/n");
_resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
Serial.print("Value ");
Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
_resume = true;
else if (inByte == 'n') {
Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("End calibration");
Serial.println("To re-calibrate, send 'r' from serial monitor.");
Serial.println("For manual edit of the calibration value, send 'c' from serial monitor.");
void changeSavedCalFactor() {
float oldCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getCalFactor();
boolean _resume = false;
Serial.print("Current value is: ");
Serial.println("Now, send the new value from serial monitor, i.e. 696.0");
float newCalibrationValue;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
newCalibrationValue = Serial.parseFloat();
if (newCalibrationValue != 0) {
Serial.print("New calibration value is: ");
_resume = true;
_resume = false;
Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
Serial.println("? y/n");
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
Serial.print("Value ");
Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
_resume = true;
else if (inByte == 'n') {
Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("End change calibration value");
type or paste code here
Who knows what damage could have happened to the board when it was not properly powered, but here...
const int HX711_dout = 2; //mcu > HX711 dout pin
const int HX711_sck = 3; //mcu > HX711 sck pin
...the numbers without the "D" prefix refer to GPIO numbers, which don't match the silkscreen numbers with the D prefix. For example, "3" does not map to "D3"
It's easiest to just use the silkscreen numbers D2 and D3 in your code.
Thanks again, i used D2 for DAT and D3 CLK
Still this "nan" from serial printer
Load_cell output val: nan
Load_cell output val: nan
Load_cell output val: nan
Load_cell output val: nan
Load_cell output val: nan
Load_cell output val: nan
Load_cell output val: nan
Must admit Im lost.... This should be simple...
Post photos of your current wiring.
Wemos board stopped working ¨
I resoldered, cleaned, and used a older ESP12F board and now it works.
Also changed to pin D4 D5.
Values are drifting quite a bit. Maybe I have wrong board settings.
#include <HX711_ADC.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32) || defined(AVR)
#include <EEPROM.h>
May also be that drifting is "normal" and I need some clever coding to clean measurements.
After 2 h run fixed weigth og 1700 g is now: 6000 gram
and it is changing all the time...
What is my problem ????
No lose wires, remade all yestersday, and all is soddered.
May the board i use, esp12, have some issues regarding board manager versions?
Unlikely. Post your current code and photos of your current wiring.
hereis my prototype, a bit messy
4 Load cells connected
/* ESP12 board NodeMCU1 (Esp12E module)
* 19.06 16:06
Arduino library for HX711 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter for Weight Scales
Olav Kallhovd sept2017
This example file shows how to calibrate the load cell and optionally store the calibration
value in EEPROM, and also how to change the value manually.
The result value can then later be included in your project sketch or fetched from EEPROM.
To implement calibration in your project sketch the simplified procedure is as follow:
//place known mass
float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass);
#include <HX711_ADC.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32) || defined(AVR)
#include <EEPROM.h>
const int HX711_dout = D4; //mcu > HX711 dout pin
const int HX711_sck = D5; //mcu > HX711 sck pin
//HX711 constructor:
HX711_ADC LoadCell(HX711_dout, HX711_sck);
const int calVal_eepromAdress = 0;
unsigned long t = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(57600); delay(10);
//LoadCell.setReverseOutput(); //uncomment to turn a negative output value to positive
unsigned long stabilizingtime = 2000; // preciscion right after power-up can be improved by adding a few seconds of stabilizing time
boolean _tare = true; //set this to false if you don't want tare to be performed in the next step
LoadCell.start(stabilizingtime, _tare);
if (LoadCell.getTareTimeoutFlag() || LoadCell.getSignalTimeoutFlag()) {
Serial.println("Timeout, check MCU>HX711 wiring and pin designations");
while (1);
else {
LoadCell.setCalFactor(1.0); // user set calibration value (float), initial value 1.0 may be used for this sketch
Serial.println("Startup is complete");
while (!LoadCell.update());
calibrate(); //start calibration procedure
void loop() {
static boolean newDataReady = 0;
const int serialPrintInterval = 2000; //increase value to slow down serial print activity
// check for new data/start next conversion:
if (LoadCell.update()) newDataReady = true;
// get smoothed value from the dataset:
if (newDataReady) {
if (millis() > t + serialPrintInterval) {
float i = LoadCell.getData();
Serial.print("Load_cell output val: ");
newDataReady = 0;
t = millis();
// receive command from serial terminal
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay(); //tare
else if (inByte == 'r') calibrate(); //calibrate
else if (inByte == 'c') changeSavedCalFactor(); //edit calibration value manually
// check if last tare operation is complete
if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
Serial.println("Tare complete");
void calibrate() {
Serial.println("Start calibration:");
Serial.println("Place the load cell an a level stable surface.");
Serial.println("Remove any load applied to the load cell.");
Serial.println("Send 't' from serial monitor to set the tare offset.");
boolean _resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay();
if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
Serial.println("Tare complete");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("Now, place your known mass on the loadcell.");
Serial.println("Then send the weight of this mass (i.e. 100.0) from serial monitor.");
float known_mass = 0;
_resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
known_mass = Serial.parseFloat();
if (known_mass != 0) {
Serial.print("Known mass is: ");
_resume = true;
LoadCell.refreshDataSet(); //refresh the dataset to be sure that the known mass is measured correct
float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass); //get the new calibration value
Serial.print("New calibration value has been set to: ");
Serial.println(", use this as calibration value (calFactor) in your project sketch.");
Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
Serial.println("? y/n");
_resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
Serial.print("Value ");
Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
_resume = true;
else if (inByte == 'n') {
Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("End calibration");
Serial.println("To re-calibrate, send 'r' from serial monitor.");
Serial.println("For manual edit of the calibration value, send 'c' from serial monitor.");
void changeSavedCalFactor() {
float oldCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getCalFactor();
boolean _resume = false;
Serial.print("Current value is: ");
Serial.println("Now, send the new value from serial monitor, i.e. 696.0");
float newCalibrationValue;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
newCalibrationValue = Serial.parseFloat();
if (newCalibrationValue != 0) {
Serial.print("New calibration value is: ");
_resume = true;
_resume = false;
Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
Serial.println("? y/n");
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
Serial.print("Value ");
Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
_resume = true;
else if (inByte == 'n') {
Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("End change calibration value");
With heavier load i see this today
The purpose of this project is to know weight of my Bee Hives, from 30 kg to 90 kg.
Drift 8192 - 8183, less than 10 grams
Please give me comments regarding
1: why heavy load contribute?
2: why did it stabilize day 5?
In your first post, you said (and show) a red Sparkfun HX711. In post #13, you show a different HX711. Two issues with that green HX711:
In many (maybe all?) green HX711, E- is not grounded, as it should be. That may affect stability. If yours is ungrounded, you should fix that by connecting E- to ground.
Most (maybe all?) green boards are not intended to be powered with 5v and used with 3.3v processors, as you are doing, since doing so could damage the processor. They are intended to be powered with 5v and used with 5v processors. They are not intended to be powered at 3.3v. The Sparkfun HX711 is unusual in that it can be powered with 5v for the analog part and 3.3v for the digital part, so it is appropriate for use with 3.3v processors.
Read this for an overview on some of the challenges for weigh scale design: A Reference Design for High-Performance, Low-Cost Weigh Scales | Analog Devices
For a 90 kg DIY scale, I'd say you'd be doing well to get 20 to 30 grams resolution (1:3000 or so).
Since bee hive weight changes very slowly, your project would be a good candidate for some sort of heavy averaging/smoothing. The method mentioned in that article would be one way. Another very simple way would be:
mySmoothedValue = mySmoothedValue * X + myNewReading * Y;
where X is some number like 0.9 or 0.95 or 0.99, and Y = 1 - X
The closer X is to 1, the less effect the most recent reading has on the average. Floats must be used, not ints.
PS: these do not look like good solder joints...
Thanks Dave Evans, really good answers, I store them.
Some soldering points do not look good, agree, but they were connected.
Anyway, yesterday I rebuilt the working setup, I de-soldered the wires and soldered it to a prototyping board.
I also:
- fed HX711 with 3.3 V, not 5V
- connected E- to XH711 GND
When I connected USB to the board, it heated up....
I then then removed 3.3 V power to the HX711 and fixed the heat. But then it don't work as plan...
I have messured for short circuits, I can't find any.
I'm now frustrated, this simple project will not kick off
I may have fried the chip, so I wait for a new one
Update with my arduino battle |-:
New HX711 (green type)
New Wemos Mini Pro
resoldred all
When use
3.3 v from Wemos to Vcc on HX711 -> No response from serial mon
When 5 v all seems to work - > Serial mon all works
HX711 E- to ground
DT from HX711 to D5
CLK from HX711 to D4
Ground to ground betweein Wemos and HX711
When use 5 v i get this reading
Any Idea?
/* ESP12 board NodeMCU1 (Esp12E module)
* 19.06 16:06
Arduino library for HX711 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter for Weight Scales
Olav Kallhovd sept2017
This example file shows how to calibrate the load cell and optionally store the calibration
value in EEPROM, and also how to change the value manually.
The result value can then later be included in your project sketch or fetched from EEPROM.
To implement calibration in your project sketch the simplified procedure is as follow:
//place known mass
float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass);
#include <HX711_ADC.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32) || defined(AVR)
#include <EEPROM.h>
const int HX711_dout = D5; //mcu > HX711 dout pin GPIO02 D5
const int HX711_sck = D4; //mcu > HX711 sck pin GPIO14 D4
//HX711 constructor:
HX711_ADC LoadCell(HX711_dout, HX711_sck);
const int calVal_eepromAdress = 0;
unsigned long t = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(57600); delay(10);
//LoadCell.setReverseOutput(); //uncomment to turn a negative output value to positive
unsigned long stabilizingtime = 2000; // preciscion right after power-up can be improved by adding a few seconds of stabilizing time
boolean _tare = true; //set this to false if you don't want tare to be performed in the next step
LoadCell.start(stabilizingtime, _tare);
if (LoadCell.getTareTimeoutFlag() || LoadCell.getSignalTimeoutFlag()) {
Serial.println("Timeout, check MCU>HX711 wiring and pin designations");
while (1);
else {
LoadCell.setCalFactor(1.0); // user set calibration value (float), initial value 1.0 may be used for this sketch
Serial.println("Startup is complete");
while (!LoadCell.update());
calibrate(); //start calibration procedure
void loop() {
static boolean newDataReady = 0;
const int serialPrintInterval = 2000; //increase value to slow down serial print activity
// check for new data/start next conversion:
if (LoadCell.update()) newDataReady = true;
// get smoothed value from the dataset:
if (newDataReady) {
if (millis() > t + serialPrintInterval) {
float i = LoadCell.getData();
Serial.print("Load_cell output val: ");
newDataReady = 0;
t = millis();
// receive command from serial terminal
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay(); //tare
else if (inByte == 'r') calibrate(); //calibrate
else if (inByte == 'c') changeSavedCalFactor(); //edit calibration value manually
// check if last tare operation is complete
if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
Serial.println("Tare complete");
void calibrate() {
Serial.println("Start calibration:");
Serial.println("Place the load cell an a level stable surface.");
Serial.println("Remove any load applied to the load cell.");
Serial.println("Send 't' from serial monitor to set the tare offset.");
boolean _resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay();
if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
Serial.println("Tare complete");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("Now, place your known mass on the loadcell.");
Serial.println("Then send the weight of this mass (i.e. 100.0) from serial monitor.");
float known_mass = 0;
_resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
known_mass = Serial.parseFloat();
if (known_mass != 0) {
Serial.print("Known mass is: ");
_resume = true;
LoadCell.refreshDataSet(); //refresh the dataset to be sure that the known mass is measured correct
float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass); //get the new calibration value
Serial.print("New calibration value has been set to: ");
Serial.println(", use this as calibration value (calFactor) in your project sketch.");
Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
Serial.println("? y/n");
_resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
Serial.print("Value ");
Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
_resume = true;
else if (inByte == 'n') {
Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("End calibration");
Serial.println("To re-calibrate, send 'r' from serial monitor.");
Serial.println("For manual edit of the calibration value, send 'c' from serial monitor.");
void changeSavedCalFactor() {
float oldCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getCalFactor();
boolean _resume = false;
Serial.print("Current value is: ");
Serial.println("Now, send the new value from serial monitor, i.e. 696.0");
float newCalibrationValue;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
newCalibrationValue = Serial.parseFloat();
if (newCalibrationValue != 0) {
Serial.print("New calibration value is: ");
_resume = true;
_resume = false;
Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
Serial.println("? y/n");
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
Serial.print("Value ");
Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
_resume = true;
else if (inByte == 'n') {
Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("End change calibration value");
For a few hours I have measured weight each 60 sec
XH711 E- is not connected to ground
Supply is 5 V to HX711 green board.
Is this a OK result?
Drift is around -250 g
The reason you get no response when you power the HX711 with 3.3v is because the version you are using MUST have 5v to operate.
And one more time:
A. Do not use a 5v HX711 with a 3.3v processor. The ESP is a 3.3v device and its pins are not 5v tolerant, but the HX711 DAT pin is feeding the ESP a 5v signal. It may work for a while, but who knows for how long. Get a Sparkfun HX711, as previously recommended, since it designed to be used with 3.3v (or 5v) processors.
B. You should check whether E- is connected to ground. Don't make assumptions or guess. If it isn't grounded, ground it.
Tanks again Dave Evans.
I did not cathc the 5v 3v scenario, sorry.
I have now made a voltage divider (picture is only sample, I use different resistors)
and input to D5 is now messured to 3.38 v
I dont know if this is a perfect solution, but while I wait for sparkfun in postbox i will try this approach
first short term test with known weigth 1700 g:
Maybe a too big question, but wich HW would you use to build a bee hive weight/temp/humidity?
I have this XH7100 and a temp/humidity DT20 (sparkfun), placed on a wemos D1 mini pro with external antenna (to send date to my house WLAN)