What more do I need to drive a V4 expansion shield

I have a shield similar to this one. It has a nano connected to it and if I connect stepper motors and a power supply it moves the motors in turn as if the sketch in it is a testing sketch (short back and forth motions.)
I have no idea how to use this.
I have downloaded a GRBL loading programme from here but it only has

#include <grblmain.h>
void setup(){
void loop(){}

in it.
I downloaded the zip file from here
But all I got when I tried to include the library was
Error: 13 INTERNAL: Library install failed: moving extracted archive to destination dir: library not valid
I can't find any more info about how to use this board, what more do I need to do?

Please give a link to exactly the shield You use. "Similar" is not good enough.

No helper will download files, unzip them etc.

Please read this topic, especially the parts concerning posting code: How to get the best out of this forum - Using Arduino / IDE 1.x - Arduino Forum

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Post links to technical information on each of the hardware items. Links to amazon are generally just sales and no real technical information.

? the arduino IDE does, go to sketch/include library/download zip library.
Anyway the board I have is a v4 and amongst the software I have discovered a sketch that doesn't use libraries and looks to be the one already in the nano so I can just alter that for my use..

I can't find any technical info that is why I asked on here

Then you are probably out of luck. For example the "V4 expansion drive" gives me many items from grain elevators, hard drives, etc. At least post a link to where you got it and it would not hurt to ask them for schematics etc. They should also offer some support.

MMM I didn't ask about a v4 expansion drive.
The title of the thread is a v4 expansion shield, if you google that you get plenty of v4 expansion shields but all 'for sale' with no technical info.

The "v4 expansion shield" is just a variant of CNC shield.

So plug in some stepper drivers, attach steppers. Then use the AccelStepper library to drive the steppers.

GRBL is probably not what you need, it is designed for CNC machines but takes Gcode as input via serial interface. But as you have not said what you are trying to do, it is hard to tell.


Set the current limit of each A4988...

And my answer is a variant of??? Answer post #1, #2, #4 and #5, without that information I cannot give an accurate answer.

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