White screen on TFT Display 7inch

I am new to the use of Displays in Arduino. I am using an Arduino MEGA 2560, together with a mega shield v2.2 LCD and a TFT 7 inch display.
Since I connected it for the first time, it sends me a blank screen, and after trying with the adafruit and MCUFRIEND libraries it still doesn't work. When uploading the MCUFRIEND program, it tells me: "Serial took 0ms to start ID=0x404"
I clarify that I do not have the purchase reference because it is for a university project, therefore they were in charge of buying everything and I do not have that information
and I got stuck here. Can you help me?


Searched for "7 tft display arduino" on AliExpress.
Found e.g. 7" inch 800x480 Digital TFT LCD Display Screen Module SSD1963 PWM for Arduino AVR STM32 ARM 800*480 800 480 Control Board.

So I don't need to ask you for the marking on the big controller chip, it is SSD1963.

You need to force ID 1963 in MCUFriend_kbv.

In graphictest_kbv.ino line 95:

    if (ID == 0xD3D3) ID = 0x9481; // write-only shield
//    ID = 0x9329;                             // force ID

replace with:


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