Arduino uses usb-b instead of the latest usb-c, in my eyes for no particular reason. Why haven't they changed? Why not make the Arduino UNO compatible with usb-c straight from the factory with absolutely no problems?
Hi @kaihan77 and welcome.
It's a good point, and I'll give a couple of probable reasons (I don't work for Arduino) on why.
Since you mentioned an exact model, I'll focus on that one. The Uno have been around for ages and the first revision was made with USB B as well as the successors. That connector is an really old one, but it's very sturdy and much more easy to handle, find the right orientation and can generally take more abuse than the mini and micro connectors. It is after all a model aimed at beginners like kids etc, that are not gentle with the equipment. This was when USB C wasn't around (perhaps just entered the market when the r3 came?), so you can't blame Arduino for not using something not around
Now there's a exception, the latest Uno r4 do have USB C, and they are in sale.
Take care
Keep USB-C away from R3's, USB-B is ideal.
Just because its new, doesn't mean its better.
And also why use a power port AND a usb port when the usb port also can supply voltage? Another thought, are arduinos getting cheaper on black friday?
Good point but why update it if it doesn't need an update? Why change if the usb b is objectively better (according to you)?
If you are done testing a setup and don't have the need to upload sketches, nor serial monitor, it can be handy to just power the Arduino without USB.
USB-C is the latest, you don't go back to USB B since it is old school nowadays. Just as you wouldn't use a Pentium 3 again, even it was a good platform back then.
Why restrict the Arduino to only being able to be powered by a 5V USB source ?
Is it wrong to be able to power the Arduino from external batteries ?
Do arduinos usually become cheaper on black friday?
It can supply a voltage but it can't always supply it at the current you need. For example when you want to drive string of addressable LEDs or more than zero servo motor.
I don't know. Maybe some resellers do.
For the UNO specifically, why spend the time on redesigning the PC board to take a USB-C at this point, along with having to alter the manufacturing to support the different style connector? All the setup and design fees have already been paid far in the past, no need to incur new expenses for what is likely a low-volume item, since there is already such a large variety of third-party boards with any variety of options available. Additionally, there would probably still be a need to carry the older USB-B version, if for no other reason than there are cases that are fitted for that connector and would not look as good with a USB-C.
No, but there are clones that a way cheaper than original ones
Alright, what are the clones lacking and are there clones now that are exactly the same as the arduino R4 wifi?
In general, nothing. The thing is that the clone manufacturers don't have to do the development, they just copy a design. They have done some development because most use the CH340 serial-to-usb converter (Uno, Mega, Nano) which is cheaper. (Relative) problem with CH340 is that you e.g. can't differentiate an Uno with CH340 from a Mega with CH340 in the IDE or in your operating system.
Quality might be another issue.
Search and you might find.
Arduino is a bit different because it's focused on education and people new to the field. But as a rule embedded processor boards remain exactly the same for their entire lifespan because people depend on them being exactly the same (except perhaps for bug fixes). If I build a product with CPU board A in 2010 and in 2023 I need a replacement CPU, I want that replacement to simply drop into the product that's been working in the field for the last 13 years without problems, not to have to spend time rewiring stuff (or more likely, describing to a technician on the phone how to rewire stuff).
Newer boards, and newer clones of UNO from other vendors have USB-C and that's just fine since from their perspective, it's their version of the product, so it can be considered something different.
USB ports don't always provide much power - historically, laptops were known for restricted power
(not so much an issue nowadays, when USB has become the de facto standard way to charge phones, etc)
Also, to allow the Arduino to run without a USB connection.
I think you underestimate what's involved in re-spinning an established board. And, AIUI, getting USB C right is non-trivial (ISTR that Raspberry Pi got it wrong on their first version with it?) - so why take the risk?
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