Wiring a display and mpu

Hii sorry newbie question here I’m trying to use a display and a mpu without a breadboard using a nano every or a uno, do I I join both the display and the mpu then pin them to the nano or uno?

  • Please read the forum’s posting guidelines so you can more effectively ask questions.

Welcome! I am not sure what you are asking but the display can probably be run with either. This is only a guess as I have no idea what you have or how you are connecting it. Post an annotated schematic, that will help.

What's an mpu? Which display were you thinking of?
Links to both products on the web would help us answer your question.

Hii I’m using a arduino nano Every, MPU6050
3 axis accelerometer and a ssd1306 oled display.
I want to use dupont connectors without a breadboard

Will do. Thank you

  • Make Y wire cables.


Thank u so much I was thinking that but was not sure