I have a question, I am creating such a project with Arduino Uno, but since I use a large number of devices such as: 3x LCD display, 2x distance sensors, dht sensor, 2x servo mechanism and RFID sensor, I automatically connect the pins first to the breadboard and then the connection to the devices and thus to the board.
I have 5V output to the board and divided into 3 columns of the breadboard and four devices connected there to the columns of the breadboard, the same with GND, displays also on SDA and SCL connected on the breadboard and I don't know if it's good or does it require voltages between the columns or gnd some additional resistors or capacitors for safety.
And the second question, one servo is going crazy, even though the other one works perfectly, even when I change their actions in the code, this one always works well. This is strange, and it causes the displays to suffer and blink strangely. I thought it was caused by a connection error or some overvoltage or too high voltage, but if I connect a 5V buzzer in place of such a servo mechanism, the displays do not have such a problem, but the buzzer hums strangely on its own and I wonder if this is not the cause of some problems. voltage because I have no objections to the code, it is good. (I'm a beginner, so sorry).
SDA and SCL need to have appropriate pull-ups, if you are paralleling several I2C devices, your overall pull-ups might be too low.
Always show us a good schematic of your proposed circuit.
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Seems like the servos are using to much current.
What are you powering the device with?
Don’t draw power for servos from the Arduino.
I use a USB cable as power supply to the Arduino Uno board, because I thought that this solution would prevent interference
What powers the servos?
The Uno and your usb port are not meant to be power sources.
The servomechanisms are powered by cables connected to the 5V pin on the breadboard.
Where does the power on the bread board come from?
Could you post a schematic?
And lots of photos of your layout?
This is what my diagram looks like, except that I am not currently using a voltage stabilizer and capacitors. And I wanted to know if this could cause such situations? Sorry for taking up your time
A USB Host port certainly is meant to be a power source - just probably not sufficient for powering motors.
Sorry, that’s what I meant.
Find a 5V supply, 2Amperes or more. Or, a high-powered USB charger. You definitely need to stop powering the servos, and probably the LCDs, from the Uno(which, yes, is being powered by the USB, and therefore I'm not recommending you remove all the rest).
Make sure your new supply is +5V, and connect it directly to both servos. Also ensure you connect that power supply GND to the Arduino GND.
That's all I'm going to say until I see a schematic. I can't even make out what the rest of the stuff is, connected to the breadboard.
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