I am currently doing a project which involves measuring a person's heart rate and SpO2 levels with an Arduino Uno and a MAX30102 sensor. I had the solder pin headers carefully soldered onto the MAX30102 sensor and got it onto the breadboard, connected all the necessary jumper wires corresponding to the ports of the Arduino too. It worked the first couple of times at 3.3V but it suddenly heated up really hot and stopped working (forgot whether I changed the Vin to 5V or not at the time after switching out sensors to test with). After that, the Arduino just turns off (or gets shorted out?) whenever I connect the 5V to the Vin of the MAX30102 sensor. However, 3.3V was alright but nothing happens when I upload a code to test it out. Is the sensor dead?
Testing the sensor will determine if it is "dead." Have you tested it after connecting all the devices correctly? For more help, show your wiring diagram and a picture of all devices involved. The problem you are experiencing is usually due to improper wiring. Also, show your complete code.
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