Double sided proto board with perpendicular strips?

Hello, hard to pick the right subject for this post but, ....

I have been searching for but not finding double sided strip board which has strips going one direction on one side and the other direction on the other side. Does this exist? Most strip board either has just strips on one side, or through hole "matrix" on the other side.

I'm thinking that the ability to significantly reduce jumper wires/links could be efficient and fun. Is this a crazy/broken idea? If not, anyone have a link?


I've never seen anything like your description, but these protoboard PCBs are well made and very handy.

I doubt this exists.
If they existed, it would be almost impossible to use them, because when soldering the nonplanar elements on the board, adjacent contacts would be connected - either in one direction or in the other

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I think I understand what you want.
You want a PCB that has vertical tracks on one side and horizontal tracks on the other side but no through hole.

It really must be hard to find,
but you can buy 2 boards of this one that I'll post the image, cut them in a square, and glue them against each other, aligning the holes and with the tracks in the direction you need.

It's not the best of all worlds but it meets your need.


Thanks for the reply, yes I guess I could glue two together rotated 90 degrees. It was sort of an idle question, since i'm so lazy I don't want to string wires across :slight_smile: but it does seem a potentially useful idea to me.

but a potentially dangerous too

Point to point wiring with 30AWG wire can be a powerful method for making your own prototypes.










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