How to connect MPU-6050 gyroscope pins?s

I want use MPU-6050 in one of my projects. I have problem with some pins of this sensor.

CLKIN: What is this pin? I connect one oscillator with jumper and pull-down this pin. Datasheet say ground it when don't use it. Is this circuit for this pin is true? What is best for CLKIN?

AUX_DA and AUX_CL: These pins are for other I2C slave? Can I use these with pull-up and header (2 pin) for connecting extra device?

AD0: For change I2C address is this jumper and pull-up OK? Is there any problem for this pin?

FSYNC: What is this pin? I read in datasheet but I don't understand what is this and how is it work. Can I connect it direct to MCU and control it with MCU?

CPOUT and REGOUT: What are these pins? Datasheet say for connect with capacitors to ground. Can you say why?

If there is some problem or suggestion, I would be happy if you tell me.

Thanks a lot.


MPU-6050 circuit

To use pins like FSYNC requires that you study and understand the MPU-6050 data sheet.

Otherwise, just use SDA, SCL, power and GND and communicated with the module using I2C. There are countless tutorials on line, which you will find with the search phrase "arduino MPU-6050".

Keep in mind that this sensor is obsolete and was discontinued many years ago, so only counterfeits or clones are available today. They are not required to meet the manufacturer's original specifications.

What is your project ?

A quadcopter

A newer 9DOF sensor with SPI interface might be better. The I2C bus is slow.
The Wire library makes it even slower, the Wire.endTransmission() and Wire.requestFrom() wait until the I2C session over the bus has finished. With a fast processor, you could be waiting most of the time.

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